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Дякуємо дуже дякуємо очільнику ЦРУ за такі глибокі інсайди. And so, as the new administration thinks about the prospect of negotiations over Ukraine in this year, in 2025, the issue, I think, is going to be how do you help President Zelenskyy and Ukraine sustain enough leverage to ensure that those negotiations are not just on Putin's terms? And how do you continue to inflict costs on Russia so that Putin understands that time is not necessarily on his side, which is what I think he believes today. https://www.npr.org/2025/01/10/g-s1-41765/cia-china-israel-russia-hamas?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3p08oTYIflBnwo6mikPRfDKIp0yyl8bb7VUm-7SXQR3gzxKJsY0RFdGk4_aem_CzB1IF8Cu13x6hVh81OAeQ
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