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Just to make it clear, we don't mean that immigration is devil, since we already shared previously positive points too, and this DOESN'T mean we are supporting Anders Behring Breivik ideas too. We always keep a neutral point showing pro and contras. At the end we are 🇨🇭, neutrality is our blood! https://t.center/TerrorismTelegram/415 It's about immigration in general, not related to Islam or whatever. So not what Breivik said. Goal is even not to see "migrants as a power", when at the end we don't respect human rights! like we do with disabled people, which are simply exploited. This is a real story we saw directly during our ZIVI (= alternative to military in Switzerland)! If we use such migrants for 0.5 cents each hour, this is against rights ... and so is not a real power. Is human abuse! Such topic is available in Prison Break too ... Plus we need to consider that there is migrant and migrant, depending from the origin country ... with different knowledges / abilities etc. Criminality depends from this too. Currently there is a 50/50 https://t.center/TerrorismTelegram/448 High criminality is available in 🇺🇸, 🇫🇷, 🇨🇦, etc. in general. As we said, we build walls against immigration or similar things https://t.center/ApartheidPalestine/70 Grensegjerder bygges nå over hele Europa. På Storskog grensestasjon i Sør-Varanger, settes det opp et 3,5 meter høyt ståltrådgjerde langs den norsk-russiske grensen. Border fences are now being built across Europe. At Storskog border station in Sør-Varanger, a 3.5 meter high steel wire fence is being erected along the Norwegian-Russian border https://perma.cc/P69E-PVRD Las vallas dividen a Europa: radiografía de los muros con los que la UE trata de contener la migración irregular https://perma.cc/BLX9-MGYF Now let we check the pictures. Sweden, Germany think they do something +, but increase terrorism. DE, Sweden, Japan, UK, Canada, Australia think they are +, but are ready to deport them ... DE, UK, Australia, Spain think the same: migrant don't want to adapt ..
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