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Now let we relate this topic to the walls in Israel ... Is wrong to do a control of the people coming inside a country? NOPE, this is perfectly fine, if there is no discrimination based on that. At the end every country has the right to choice how much foreigners to keep, for how much time, etc. Such people need to respect laws available in different countries, like if we visit arabian country, we need to respect their rules .... Seeing a "nope, you cannot enter" as discrimination is just bullshit! Like an employer cannot hire infinite employees, the same happens with a country ... We forgot about such things due to the EU, where people can move without problems between countries. Do you know that Switzerland "created exactly walls like Israel" in the past? Yes, and they still do it now in some ways, where people get controlled when they arrive by train, plane, or other. Does this now means Switzerland implements Apartheid just because they control who is coming ... NOPE! https://t.center/ApartheidPalestine So we need to be honest, Israel has the full right to keep customs to control who is coming, like other countries are doing too. About the walls is another point .... In Switzerland we already talked about creating walls against all Italians and migrants multiple times in the past too, but they never did that until now. The point is not to abuse that or to decide what is going on other countries, that are not part of their control. For example this doesn't mean that now Switzerland could block all food transport to Italy, because camions need to travel via San Gottardo and Switzerland has something against Italy ... They can implement fees and similar for the pollution, etc. generated by such camions, but cannot block that, because this would be just crime and discrimination.
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