🌍 #قناة_النصر_لليمن_الإخبارية 🌎

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🌍 #قناة_النصر_لليمن_إلاخبارية 🌎 #قناة_إخبارية_ضد_العدوان_باللغة_العربية #والانجليزية 🌍 #Channel_victory_for_Yemen_News 🌎 #Aggression_against_the_news_channel_in #Arabic_and_English #من_لايحب_اليمن_ليس_يمني #بالروح_بالدم_نفديك_يايمن
🔴 #Urgent

🔶 #Saada: A child was injured when a cluster bomb exploded in the district of Muhada al-Yabra district

🌍 #Jizan: dead and wounded after an artillery bombardment targeting a group of Saudi soldiers in Khubba

🔶 #Argument: Saudi Arabian Air Force launches two raids on Midi

🔷 #Argument: 3 mercenaries killed and artillery bombardment targets a gathering north of the Medi Desert

🔶 #AlJouf: A raid of the Saudi-American aggression on the Directorate of Mtoun

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🔴 #Urgent

🔶 #Marib: two rages of the Saudi-American aggression aircraft targeted a bulldozer of a citizen in the Ramdah district of the Directorate of Sarawah

🔶 #Sana'a: two attacks of the Saudi-American aggression on the Directorate of Nhm

🌍 #Jizan: dead and wounded in the ranks of the Saudi army with artillery shelling targeted their communities at the site Jerash

🌍 #Jizan: sniper Saudi soldier with the location of the daffodils

🌍 #Jizan: two rages of the Saudi-American aggression on Mount Dod

🔶 #Saada: 4 air raids of the Saudi American air force on different areas of the Directorate of Shada

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🔴 #Urgent

🌍 #Jizan: artillery shelling of the army and the committees targeting the Saudi army concentrations in the location of Khorashb

🌍 #Jizan: the killing of Saudi soldiers in an artillery shelling targeted their communities in the location of the compound
🔶 #Saada: A raid of the Saudi-American aggression on the Directorate of Zaher and raid on the Directorate of Shada

🔷 #SANA'A: Military source killed and wounded mercenaries in artillery shelling targeted four mechanisms loaded with individuals south of the Horn of Benhamm

🔷 #AlJouf: artillery shelling of the army and committees targeting the concentrations of mercenaries aggression down the Aqaba Directorate of Hebei and Shaf

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🔴 #Urgent

🔷 #Taiz: 4 mercenaries were killed and wounded by army fire and the Popular Committees in the Directorate of Hall

🔶 #Hudaydah: Saudi Arabian air force launches five raids on the island of Kamran and the flight continues

🌍 #Jizan: sniper Saudi soldier with the location of the daffodils

🌍 #Jizan: Five raids of the Saudi-American aggression on Wadi Gara

🌍 #Aseer: artillery bombardment of the army and the committees targeting the Saudi army groups to the port of cans and control of the bunker

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🔴 #Urgent

🌍 #Jizan: dead and wounded after an artillery bombardment on the control of the Saudi army north of Kres Joubah

🔷 #Taiz: Army artillery and committees targeting a mercenary gathering in the Directorate of the hall

🔶 #Saada: Saudi American air force launches 7 raids on the desert spots

🔷 #Marib: Engineering Unit destroys a military vehicle in narcotics with an improvised explosive device and the death of two on board

🔶 #Marib: two rages of the Saudi-American aggression on the Directorate of Sarawah

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Forwarded from 🔴🔥 #عاجل_ورد_اﻵن 🔥🔴 (alfouad236 adn ali)
🔴 #responded_urgently_now

🔷 #Argument: A mechanism of mercenaries belonging to the Saudi army in the northwestern parts of the Midi desert

🔷 #Argument: Two Saudi mercenaries killed near the coast of Midi

🌍 #Jizan: artillery shelling targeting the Saudi army and mercenaries in the longitude

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Forwarded from 🔴🔥 #عاجل_ورد_اﻵن 🔥🔴 (alfouad236 adn ali)
🔴 #responded_urgently_now

🌍 #Najran: targeting the gatherings and fortifications of the Saudi soldiers north of the site of a number of artillery shells

🌍 #Jizan: Sniper Saudi soldier north of the valley of the eyes

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🔴 #Urgent

🔷 #Marib: Dead and wounded mercenaries and the looting of two vehicles targeting their communities in the narcotics district Directorate of Sarawah

🌍 #Najran: artillery shelling targeting the Saudi army concentrations at the location of the hill

🌍 #Jizan: artillery shelling of the army and committees targeting a gathering of Saudi soldiers at the site of Abadiya

🌍 #Jizan: Sniper Saudi soldier at the site of the throne

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🔴 #Urgent

🌍 #Jizan: The launch of an earthquake 2 missile and a number of Katyusha rockets at the gatherings of Saudi soldiers and Sudanese mercenaries in the gate of the season

🔷 #Shabwa: A mechanism belonging to the mercenaries of aggression was damaged in the leg area of ​​Asilan district

🔷 #Jouf: an attack on the positions of mercenaries in the eastern outskirts of the Directorate of Mtoun and the deaths and injuries in their ranks

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Forwarded from 🔴🔥 #عاجل_ورد_اﻵن 🔥🔴 (alfouad236 adn ali)
🔴 #responded_urgently_now

🌍 #Jizan: Sniper Saudi soldier at the site of the throne

🔷 #Argument: Army artillery and committees targeting the mercenaries of the Saudi army north of the desert of Midi

🔶 #Argument: A raid by the US-Saudi Aggression on the Midi Directorate

🔷 #Taiz: The army and the committees repel the mercenaries of the aggression on Taba al-Mafalis and the reservoir in the Directorate of Hifan

🌍 #Jizan: Sniper two Saudi soldiers at the site of the patient

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Forwarded from 🔴🔥 #عاجل_ورد_اﻵن 🔥🔴 (alfouad236 adn ali)
🔴 #responded_urgently_now

🔷 #Jouf: 4 mercenaries killed by the aggression of the army and the committees in the Directorate of crucified

🔶 #Saada: two rages of the Saudi-American aggression on the Directorate of Shada

🌍 #Jizan: dead and wounded in the ranks of the Saudi army in artillery shelling targeted the site of the obligatory

🔷 #Jouf: dead and wounded in the ranks of mercenaries with artillery shelling on their gatherings in the Khlefin Directorate of Hebei and the shampoo

🔷 #Taiz: the destruction of a mechanism belonging to mercenaries aggression with a number of artillery shells to the east of the Directorate of Mukhaa

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🔴 #Urgent

🔷 #LHajj: For Bombing of mercenary mercenaries in Karash with a number of artillery shells

🔷 #Taiz: Targeting mercenaries in the Salou district with a number of missiles

🔷 #AlJouf: A large-scale attack on mercenary sites in Wadi Shuq, Wadi Malhan, Wadi Waqz, and the Sallan camp in the Directorate of the Crucified

🔷 #Jouf: 4 mercenaries killed by the army and the army in the Wazz district Directorate of crucified

🔶 #Sana'a: 3 raids of the Saudi-American Aggression on the security department in Rima Hameed, Sinhan Directorate

🔷 #Hijaj: Scream missile 3 and a number of Katyusha rockets and artillery shells fired at concentrations of aggression mercenaries in Karash

🔶 #Marib: 6 raids of the Saudi-American aggression on different areas of the Directorate of Sarawah during the past hours

🌍 #Hizan raid of the Saudi-American aggression on the region of Jizan

🌍 #Najran: artillery shelling of the army and committees targeting the site of Dabaa Saudi

🌍 #Jizan: Sniper Saudi soldier in the site of Abadiyah

🔷 #Marib: 4 mercenary mercenaries killed by army fire and committees in the Directorate of Sarawah

🔶 #AlJouf: Two rages of the Saudi-American aggression on Al-Humaydat Directorate

🔶 #AlJouf: 6 raids of the Saudi-American aggression on the Directorate of Mtun during the past hours

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🔴 #Urgent

🌍 #Iraq: Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi arrives in Mosul and congratulates Iraqi forces victory

🔶 #Sanaa: a raid on the Saudi-American aggression on the Directorate of Nhm

🌍 #Najran: the killing of Saudi soldiers and the destruction of a mechanism in the rocket attack on the Saudi army gatherings in the leadership of Sakam

🌍 #Najran: sniper two Saudi soldiers east of the network

🌍 #Najran: targeting concentrations of mercenaries off the Green Port with a number of artillery shells causing direct hits

🌍 #Jizan: Rocket army and committees targeting the camp barrage of Katyusha rockets

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🔴 #Urgent

🌍 #Jizan: Sniper Saudi soldier in the story of her death

🔶 #Marib: two rages of the Saudi-American aggression on the Directorate of Sarawah

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Forwarded from 🔴🔥 #عاجل_ورد_اﻵن 🔥🔴 (alfouad236 adn ali)
🔴 #responded_urgently_now

🔶 #Taiz: Gartan of the Saudi-American air aggression on the area of ​​Al-Barah with an acceptable Directorate

🔷 #Argument: Targeting a group of Saudi army mercenaries with a number of artillery shells north of the Medi Desert

🔶 #AlJouf: A raid of the Saudi-American aggression on the Directorate of Mtoun

🌍 #Jizan: Sniper Saudi soldier in the story of the incident

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🔴 #Urgent

🔶 #SANA'A: Saudi American airliner launches two raids on the Directorate of Nhm

🔶 #Shabwa: two rages of the Saudi-American aggression on the Directorate of Assilan

🌍 #Najran: artillery shelling of the army and committees targeting the Saudi army in the control of Sudais

🌍 #Jizan: The army and the popular committees are carrying out a qualitative operation and are storming the Saudi al-Jajim site

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🔴 #Urgent

🔶 #Imran: 6 raids of the Saudi-American aggression on the Directorate of Harf Sufian

🔷 #Taiz: #a_military_source killed 6 mercenaries and wounded another in different areas of fire by the army and the popular committees

🔶 #Marib: A raid of the Saudi-American aggression on the Directorate of Sarawah

🔷 #AlJouf: Army artillery and committees targeting the mercenary gatherings in Aqaba, the Directorate of Hebei and the shrapnel and direct injuries

🌍 #Jizan: the death and wounding of Saudi soldiers in the process of storming the site of the Saudi Aljamim and detonate his fortifications

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🔴 #Urgent

🔷 #Taiz: killed and wounded a number of mercenaries aggression after the shelling of a missile and a gun at a gathering north of the cave

🔶 #Saada: Air Saudi Arabia air aggression cast a sound bomb in the sky of the city

🌍 #Jizan: The army artillery and the committees are directed to the control devoted to a number of missiles

🔷 #Marib: #Military_source losses in several mercenary equipment in an army attack on the airport in the Directorate of Sarawah

🔶 #AlJouf: A raid of the Saudi-American aggression on the Directorate of Mtoun

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🔴 #responded_urgently_now

🌍 #Najran: artillery shelling targeting a group of Saudi soldiers behind the Fawaz site

🌍 #Najran: Army artillery and the popular committees targeted the location of Tala

🔷 #Jouf: Army artillery and committees aimed at a gathering of mercenaries aggression in the snipers of the Directorate of Ghail

🌍 #Jizan: Sniper Saudi soldier at the site dedicated Joseph

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🔴 #responded_urgently_now

🌍 #Jizan: the destruction of a Saudi military vehicle in the season and the death of its crew

🌍 #Najran: two rages of the Saudi-American aggression on the site of the flight

🔶 #Saada: A raid of the Saudi-American aggression on the area of ​​the patches

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