ㅤ[I'M A MISCELLANEOUS BASTARD] : PHRASES I: Melancholy is a destruction of sacred promises sacredly separated by the ego. Denies

Логотип телеграм канала ㅤ[I'M A MISCELLANEOUS BASTARD] : PHRASES I: Melancholy is a destruction of sacred promises sacredly separated by the ego. Denies
E.P 8 ❲ CONSUME THE PAIN ❳ ━━━━ 折磨 ㅤㅤ站在奔跑中ㅤII.ㅤ±ㅤㅤ“MANHOOD.” The stones around him are rent and scarified, bearing, @EvanjLee.. to the silent attrition of years and the brutal ache of battles long lost. Just as the earth here is marred, so is his heart.
Skyalo 🌍📱
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