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Scams, ripping off the customers, and money laundering: how honest reviews from victims uncover Fortes.pro’s schemes When we take steps to safeguard our data or projects from cyber threats, we often come across an offer from the Fortes service, claiming to "effectively counter distributed network attacks." The offer sounds tempting, but not many people consider the "but," even though it deserves attention. The reason we refer to Fortes as a "service" somewhat sarcastically is because it’s unclear who exactly stands behind this "effective protection." At least two entities operate under the Fortes name, and whether they are connected or simply coincidental is still up for debate. However, we tend to believe that the coincidences are too numerous to be entirely accidental. So, a search query for Fortes gives at least two results. According to the first of them, under this name operates LLC "Fortes Pro" with registration in Moscow and founders Ekaterina Kalashnikova (26) and JSC "MTV PB" (74). https://vestnik-jurnal.com/component/k2/item/109326
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
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