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♟Analysen des globalen Schachbretts ♟ ♟Analyses of the global chessboard ♟ 💥Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici💥
The mainstream media and @techpolicypress have relentlessly framed @elonmusk as the ultimate villain, a "threat to democracy" on a global scale.

But here’s the twisted irony: shouldn't they be backing his fight for free speech instead of leading the charge to destroy him? In just September 2024 alone, we’ve seen a media frenzy labeling Musk as a far-right extremist for his support of Trump and his refusal to bow down to governments like Brazil’s, which sought to silence him through legal threats and platform bans. They scream about Musk’s supposed radicalization, claiming he amplifies misinformation, while conveniently ignoring that the real threat is the ever-increasing censorship governments and Big Tech impose.

Musk’s critics are quick to point out his political influence—yes, he’s rich, and yes, he’s a powerful player. But instead of acknowledging that Musk’s real fight is against oppressive governments, political censorship, and the erosion of free speech, media outlets obsess over how he might benefit personally. Meanwhile, tech companies that actually stifle free speech for their own interests—like Meta and Google—are somehow hailed as neutral, responsible actors.

Let’s not forget Musk’s battles in #Brazil, where his platform X was banned by the Supreme Court, forcing him to choose between standing up for free expression or complying with absurd censorship demands. When @X briefly evaded Brazil’s block, the media spun it as yet another example of Musk’s recklessness, conveniently overlooking the reality that people were deprived of their freedom to communicate.

And when Musk pushes back against political correctness and refuses to toe the line with narratives pushed by the woke elite, the media doesn’t even try to hide their bias—they jump straight to labeling him a “far-right” troll. Yet, these same journalists who demonize Musk for exercising free speech are the ones who benefit most from the very freedoms they’re trying to strip away. If only they could see that in trying to take Musk down, they’re fighting against the very principles they claim to uphold. But maybe they know that, and just don’t care. #ElonMusk #FreeSpeech #Censorship #MediaBias
🇧🇷🇧🇷Support Freedom of Speech! #ForaMoraes – Brazils Fight for Freedom

I'm producing a powerful documentary exposing the political persecution happening in Brazil under de Moraes. This fight isn’t just about Brazil—it’s about defending the right to speak freely worldwide!

The voices of millions are being silenced, but together, we can amplify their fight for justice and freedom. If you believe in the power of free speech, consider supporting or donating to help bring this crucial story to the global stage.

🙏 Join the movement—donate today:

#ForaMoraes #Brazil #FightForFreedom #FreeSpeech #Documentary #VoiceForTheVoiceless
Media is too big
Is #FreeSpeech only a one-way street in the conservative movement too?
Nick Fuentes
got kicked out of
Charlie Kirks event #thepeopleconvention in Detroit.
🥊here the full video about what really happened 🥊

Charlie Kirk a hardliner in #proisrael doesn't allow Nick Fuentes an #americafirst activist because of his critic on #Israel and the dependence of #America in Israel to participate at a TPUSA event.

#MAGA vs #AmericaFirst ?
Forwarded from Patrick M. Byrne (Vicky Richter)
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#freedom #deepstate #deepstateexposed #freespeech
Forwarded from Patrick M. Byrne (Vicky Richter)
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We’ve brought ourselves to The Showdown and we must continue to peacefully resist. Join in the understanding of how America got to the point we’re at, today.

Subscribe to my Locals page to have full access to all my shocking content.

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#freedom #deepstate #deepstateexposed #freespeech
Thank you @tiktok creators for deleting my video about my speech at the reawakening tour because of hateful ideology and blackmailing me with deleting my account
You can't silence us all
#freespeech #clayclark #reawakeningtour
#deletingfreespeech #bigtech
Too much truth for the #CCP App - #TikTok deleted my #policeviolence video
#FreeSpeech nowadays only happens when you follow the #agenda
Direktorin von US-Gesundheitsbehörde: Impfstoffe können Übertragung von COVID-19 nicht verhindern

Bei einem Auftritt im US-Nachrichtensender "CNN" erklärte die Direktorin der US-amerikanischen Zentren für Krankheitskontrolle (CDC) Dr. Rochelle Walensky, dass Impfstoffe die Verbreitung von COVID-19 nicht verhindern können. Dies habe manche Menschen veranlasst, sehr kritische Fragen zu den Impfpässen zu stellen.
Vollständig geimpfte Menschen, die eine COVID-19-Durchbruchinfektion bekommen, können das Virus übertragen, sagte die Direktorin der US-Zentren für Krankheitskontrolle (CDC), Dr. Rochelle Walensky, am Donnerstag. In einem Interview mit Wolf Blitzer von CNN sagte Walensky:
"Unsere Impfstoffe funktionieren außergewöhnlich gut. Sie funktionieren weiterhin gegen Delta, was schwere Krankheiten und Todesfälle angeht – sie verhindern sie. Aber was sie nicht mehr können, ist, die Übertragung zu verhindern."
CDC Director Tells CNN the COVID Vaccines Can’t Prevent Transmission 8-6-21
— Lili Delamotte (
@Candide62) August 7, 2021

Aus diesem Grund hat die CDC letzte Woche ihre Richtlinien geändert und empfiehlt nun sogar geimpften Personen, in Innenräumen wieder Masken zu tragen, so Walensky. Letzte Woche veröffentlichte die Behörde eine Studie, die zeigte, dass die Delta-Variante bei geimpften und ungeimpften Menschen ähnliche Mengen an Viren produziert, wenn sie sich infizieren – Daten, die darauf hindeuten, dass geimpfte Menschen, die eine Durchbruchinfektion bekommen, eine ähnliche Tendenz haben könnten, das Virus zu verbreiten wie ungeimpfte Menschen. Walensky sagte weiter:
"Wenn Sie zu jemandem nach Hause gehen, der nicht geimpft wurde, zu jemandem, der nicht geimpft werden kann, zu jemandem, der vielleicht immunsupprimiert oder etwas gebrechlich ist, zu jemandem, der Komorbiditäten hat, die ihn einem hohen Risiko aussetzen, würde ich vorschlagen, dass Sie in öffentlichen Gebäuden eine Maske tragen."