
Логотип телеграм канала Vicky_Richter_Journalist🇩🇪🇺🇸🇧🇷
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♟Analysen des globalen Schachbretts ♟ ♟Analyses of the global chessboard ♟ 💥Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici💥

There are 3 different War Correspondents from 3 separate Platform types who have come to cover our work.

Vicky Richter, a German Army Veteran, has recently spent time with us Documenting our work and the Border Invasion itself.

This is Part 1 of her Journey.

She will have many more in the future with us... She is a new #VOP Volunteer who will be in charge of all Media Operations and Command her own Team.

As you can see from her work here... Our Ministry and Program are Blessed to have her join us.

If you want to get a clear picture of who we are and what we do, read this Article.

For our Families and Supporters... SHARE this everywhere. Contact your favorite Podcaster or Media Outlet to get Vicky Richter on their Stages...

Help us bust through the Matrix if you are unable to help us bust through the Cartel Strongholds we are about to hit.

520-500-4506 to put your Boots next to ours.

Es gibt 3 verschiedene Kriegskorrespondenten von 3 verschiedenen Plattformen, die gekommen sind, um über unsere Arbeit zu berichten.

Vicky Richter, ein Veteran der deutschen Armee, hat kürzlich Zeit mit uns verbracht, um unsere Arbeit und die Grenzinvasion selbst zu dokumentieren.

Dies ist Teil 1 ihrer Reise.

Sie wird in Zukunft noch viel mehr mit uns machen... Sie ist eine neue #VOP-Freiwillige, die für alle Medienoperationen zuständig sein wird und ihr eigenes Team leitet.

Wie Sie an ihrer Arbeit hier sehen können... Unser Gemeinde und unser Programm sind gesegnet, sie bei uns zu haben.

Wenn Sie ein klares Bild davon bekommen wollen, wer wir sind und was wir tun, lesen Sie diesen Artikel.

Für unsere Familien und Unterstützer... TEILEN Sie diesen Artikel überall. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Lieblings-Podcaster oder an die Medien, um Vicky Richter auf ihre Bühnen zu bringen...

Helfen Sie uns, die Matrix zu durchbrechen, wenn Sie nicht in der Lage sind, uns dabei zu helfen, die Hochburgen des Kartells zu durchbrechen, auf die wir gleich treffen werden.

520-500-4506, um Ihre Stiefel neben die unseren zu stellen.
Media is too big

#VOP has maintained a 24.7 presence over the Christmas week at Sasabe Port of Entry.

We are fighting to stop this insanity.

We don't just fight the Evil, we support the Innocent.

We are advocating for dozens of Children we have assisted at this Border, with hundreds waiting for follow ups. These Children are going to:

New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

90% of Sponsors so far do not speak English.

A "Social Worker" identified helping facilitate Child Trafficking.

All Children under #VOP Watch will be protected and assisted wherever possible.

We need Boots on the Border to execute the boldest move ever taken to eliminate the Cartel's capabilities of trafficking Children through Pima County...

Your Republicans are part of the problem... Join us to become a solution.

[email protected] to send Material Support

520-500-4506 to join us.

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42 Miles North of the Wall...

On Smuggling Corridors running directly where the US Army Corp of Engineers opened up the Wall...

3 Criminal Illegals from Mexico tried sneaking through Alpha Base - Camp Pulaski on General Hans Solo's Watch.

You can hear Private Nova "gasping" behind us... she really wants to get a hold of these guys and is fighting the leash. 🤣

#VOP continues to intercept and obstruct Criminals in Camouflage Clothing making their way to Robles Elementary School...

Pima County still provides Cartel Water Stations to get the Criminal Illegals around Border Patrol... And they still operate one on City of Tucson Water Property directly behind our Elementary School.

We are going after their entire Infrastructure this week... ALL CRIMINAL AID will be removed.

Border Patrol Agents will be assisting us again just as before.

As always, we continue to separate the Flock. We require more Volunteers to see this Mission completed.


Wenn Sie nicht handeln,... dann ist die Menschlichkeit verloren.

Man kann keine Linie in den Sand zeichnen, wenn man nicht in der Box ist.

Wir haben an der Grenze von Arizona eine Linie gezogen... Wir kämpfen, um diese Linie aufrechtzuerhalten.

Rufen Sie nicht nur #SaveOurChildren... Geht und rettet die Kinder.

Schließt euch #VOP an und wir werden euch nicht nur zeigen wie... Wir werden es Seite an Seite tun.

[email protected] oder 520-500-4506

If you do not Act... Then Humanity has been lost.

You cannot draw a Line in the Sand if you are not in the Box.

We drew a Line on the Arizona Border... We fight to maintain that Line.

Don't just chant #SaveOurChildren... Go save Children.

Join #VOP and we will not only show you how... We will do it side by side.

[email protected] or 520-500-4506

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Yesterday we were able to hand over 15 year old Elvia, who was abandoned alone in the middle of the desert near the wall, to Border Patrol.
We also had the first contact with the sponsor and it turned out that it is her brother and she will probably go into good hands.

This is one of those success stories #VOP can tell you about.

Gestern konnten wir die 15-jährige Elvia, die allein mitten in der Wüste in der Nähe der Mauer ausgesetzt wurde, der Grenzpolizei übergeben.
Wir hatten auch den ersten Kontakt mit dem Paten und es stellte sich heraus, dass es ihr Bruder ist und sie wahrscheinlich in gute Hände kommen wird.

Dies ist eine dieser Erfolgsgeschichten, von denen #VOP berichten kann.


Our German War Correspondent, Vicky Richter, who is an 8yr German Army Veteran, has been a tremendous Blessing to the Children and our Property Owners fighting back against the Cartels.

She is no stranger to obstacles... Currently on 5 year Journalism VISA, she has been working with US Veteran Organizations to combat suicides. It is a personal Mission for her. Her Fiance, an American Warfighter, was lost to suicide during the Globalist Lockdowns.

She knows the pain many of you in our Ministry still feel and battle through.

She is in the Top 10 of a 200 person hit list put out by German Antifa... So like me, she knows what it's like to have a price on her head.

Vicky is going to be the "new face" to Border Operations ran by #VOP, providing us the ability to continue rescuing Children while I lead a Team across America to fulfill "Operation Paul Revere."

I ask on her behalf to help her.
