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یک ایران سرای من ... جاوید پهلویسیم ...❤٤٤ @RoyalTaheriy8889 👈مطالب مهم سنجاق شده اند.
Tony usch
Hospitality / Public Relation / Equestrian / Wine Concept /PahlaviHospitality / Public Relation / Equestrian / Wine Concept /Pahlavi
A little “unknown” history of the Persian Gulf and why the British do not want Pahlavi government in Iran , and still to this day will protect the fascist Islamic dictatorship.

In 1911, a group of Bahraini merchants of Iranian origins demanded restrictions on the British influence in the country. The group's leaders were subsequently arrested and exiled to India.
Some opponents and families such as Dossari left or were exiled to Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Three years later the British placed Bahrain under the de facto rule of Charles Belgrave who operated as an adviser to the ruler until 1957.

Who is Charles Belgrave?(photo)

In 1927, Reza Shah Pahlavi, then Shah of Iran, demanded sovereignty over Bahrain in a letter to the League of Nations, a move that prompted #Belgrave to undertake #harsh #measures including encouraging conflicts between Shia and Sunni Muslims to bring down the uprisings and #limit the #Iranian_influence.

#Belgrave even went further by suggesting to rename the Persian Gulf to the "Arabian Gulf"; however, the proposal was refused by the British government. Britain's interest in Bahrain's development was motivated by concerns over Iranian ambitions and influence in the region, specially because Reza Shah was transforming Iran to a secular society. (کشف حجاب )

On 15 August 1971, though H.I.M Shahanshah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi of Iran was claiming historical sovereignty over Bahrain and also governed Bahrain, he accepted a referendum held by the United Nations proposed by the British, and eventually Bahrain declared independence and signed a new treaty of friendship with the United Kingdom.

Following the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran in 1981, the Bahraini Shia population orchestrated a failed coup attempt backed by the British intelligence agency and the fascist Islamic regime in Iran under the auspices of a front organisation, the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain. The coup would have installed a Shia cleric exiled in Iran, Hujjatu l-Islām Hādī al-Mudarrisī(هادى حسينى مدرسى )as supreme leader heading a theocratic government.

The United Kingdom and United States with democrats in the white house will never help Iran or Iranians with this revolution, in reality they will do everything within their power for the survival of the fascist Islamic dictatorship not only in Iran but the entire region.

Democrats are not to be trusted in 2024. A vote for democrats is a vote for the fascist Islamic ideology.


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چقدر غم انگیز و چقدر حیف که از ورای درک ما او خارج بود ....


#shah of iran
#Mam of iran

🆔️ @royaltahery777
🤡🚨Das Europäische Parlament verabschiedete eine Resolution, in der gefordert wird, das iranische corps der Islamischen Revolutionsgarden (IRGC) als Terrorgruppe zu bezeichnen. @ANONS17 🤡🚨پارلمان اروپا با تصویب قطعنامه‌ای خواستار شناسایی سپاه پاسداران…
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پارلمان اروپا قطعنامه قرار دادن نام سپاه پاسداران در فهرست سازمان‌های تروریستی اتحادیه اروپا را تصویب کرد. ۳۱۳ نماینده به این قطعنامه رای مثبت دادند.

برای اجرایی شدن این قطعنامه‌، در مرحله بعد، پارلمان کشورهای عضو باید تصویبش کنند

اگر هم در شورای اتحادیه اروپا مطرح بشه و تصویب بشه، قانون اتحادیه اروپا به حساب میاد و اجرایی میشه.


#shah of iran
#Mam of iran

🆔️ @royaltahery777
"The only trusted leader of the Iranian people
H.I.M ( His Imperial Majesty )
#Reza_Shah the second"


#shah of iran
#Mam of iran

🆔️ @royaltahery777
Forwarded from Roya
من بعد از این در توییتهام ‎#رضا_پهلوی و ‎#RezaPahlavi میزنم. چون معتقدم مسیر پیروزی ما از داشتن یک رهبر واحد میگذره که غرب بتونه باهاش گفتگو کنه و ترند کردن اسم ایشون به این مسیر کمک میکنه.

After this, I will use #Reza_Pahlavi and #RezaPahlavi in my tweets. Because I believe that the path to our victory goes through having a single leader with whom the West can talk and his name can help this path.


#shah of iran
#Mam of iran

🆔️ @royaltahery777
Forwarded from Roya
من بعد از این در توییتهام ‎#رضا_پهلوی و ‎#RezaPahlavi میزنم. چون معتقدم مسیر پیروزی ما از داشتن یک رهبر واحد میگذره که غرب بتونه باهاش گفتگو کنه و ترند کردن اسم ایشون به این مسیر کمک میکنه.

After this, I will use #Reza_Pahlavi and #RezaPahlavi in my tweets. Because I believe that the path to our victory goes through having a single leader with whom the West can talk and his name can help this path.


#shah of iran
#Mam of iran

🆔️ @royaltahery777
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علی سعادت ملی، کنشگر پادشاهی‌خواه و از حامیان صلح و آزادی برای خاورمیانه و ایران در نشست سازمان ZOA گفت مردم خواستار بازگشت به صلح و شکوه مانند دوران #پهلوی هستند و بی‌دلیل نیست که فریاد #رضاشاه_روحت_شاد و #جاوید_شاه سر می‌دهند.
او این سخنان را در مقابل شخصیت‌های برجسته سیاسی مانند پرزیدنت دونالد ترامپ اظهار کر‌د.


@ Q17_Erwachen
@ANONS17 🌏🗽
🆔️ @ royaltahery777

Ali Saadat Melli, a pro-kingdom activist and a supporter of peace and freedom for Israel and Iran, said at the meeting of the ZOA organization that people want to return to peace and glory like the #Pahlavi era, and it is not without reason that they cry out for #Reza Shah_Rohat_Shad and #Javid_Shah.
He mentioned this run in front of the personalities of President Don Trad.


#shah of iran
#Mam of iran


🆔️ @royaltahery777
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‏فیلم تازه و ندیده شده ای از خلبانی استادانه ‎#رضاشاه_دوم در آسمان میهن
دیدنش توام با حسرت بسیار است که چرا دوران جوانی این پادشاه از ما و کشورمان ایران دریغ شد


#shah of iran
#Mam of iran

🆔️ @royaltahery777

A new and unseen film of the masterful pilot of #Reza Shah Pahlavi

_Doum in Aseman Mihan

It is very sad to see why this king's youth was withheld from us and our country, Iran