Robyn Riley

Логотип телеграм канала Robyn Riley
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My mom bought me this instant camera for Christmas. I am revolting against my cell phone camera and getting back into analog photography like I was in my early twenties before I had a smart phone. I want to feel the shutter click and the pressure of not wasting a shot. I want to make family photo albums and get a fujifilm instax mini for Magnus so we can go out and take pictures together.
While I’m here why not give a little update. :)

Marigold is crawling now! The time has flown by with her so quickly. A blur compared to with Magnus. We moved house and are no longer out in the woods on a mountain. We opted for a beach front rental this time and we couldn’t be happier or cozier here.

I am so very very busy all the time. I miss making videos and writing but I just do not have it in me anymore. Maybe someday I’ll find a balance where I can continue.

I was trained as a birth Doula over the summer. I am planning for the years to come when my children are grown and I am an old crone seeking new purpose. One can never plan too early for such things. When my lifestyle is more appropriately open to an on call type of work such as birth work, I would like to serve the Christian women in my community and at my parish in supporting their passage into motherhood.

I want another baby already but I know now is not the time. My last pregnancy was so hard on my body and Marigolds birth was worlds more painful than Magnus’s. I want to spend as much time as I can with just them two before I hurl myself into the unknown by getting pregnant again. I’m thinking maybe around Marigolds 2nd birthday would be ideal to try for another child.

The nativity fast is going well. I am struggling against my own embarrassing weakness and God is on my mind a lot during the day. I’ve been enjoying some lectures on the Patristic Nectar website. Highly recommend the ones on Confession, Sirach and Saint John of Kronstadt. I’m hoping that as I grow in maturity as an Orthodox person I will do better with the fasts. For now I’m in trenches with many of you.
There have been some people impersonating me on this platform. Likely scammers. Do not send them personal information or money! I would never request this from anyone! Please report and block if you see this account circulating. Thank you!
*fundal measurement
Looking for traditional midwife in Great Falls, Montana!!!
Easily my fav conversation I’ve ever had on YouTube with anyone.
Heart and hands full.
Baby Marigold arrived a few days ago. She was born safely at home in water. Praise God for another beautiful, healthy child 🤍
Forwarded from Roosh Valizadeh
Above is a link to my birth story from a podcast called Happy Homebirth. It’s a great resource for other moms who desire to birth their baby’s at home.
Forwarded from Rogue
Re-listening to your birth story on the Happy Homebirth podcast. Praying you have another safe delivery for your baby girl. 🙏🏻❤️
Forwarded from Thuletide
Vaccine apartheid

Great point made by Computing Forever in this Millenniyule podcast:

The digital identity "vaccine passports" are essentially a new form of citizenship that is required to participate in society — or the new society that is being built around us, at least. However, unlike an apartheid system, where the un-"vaccinated" would be granted access to segregated areas of society and kept separate from the "vaccinated," we are instead treated as non-citizens and totally removed from society all together.

So, the official social credit system (whenever it arrives) will function as an endless citizenship exam for the New World Order, with increasingly restrictive hoops to jump through. Our unofficial social credit system ("cancel culture") currently requires people to get "vaccinated," hate White people, love "diversity," and campaign for child genital mutilation. Consider where this may go in 10 or 20 years time: Will people lose citizenship for refusing a Neuralink brain implant, or for leaving their designated Smart City to hike in the countryside?

Much to think about...
Merry Christmas!!
Forwarded from Millenniyule
"Millenniyule has been a tradition of mine since 2016. I always look forward to the thoughtful intellectualism of Lichtmesz, the outlandish storytelling of @Strangerfield, the saga with @RobynRiley, the orange imperium with Faust, history reviewed with @SurviveTheJive, cosmic wisdom with @Philosophicat, will to power with @TheGoldenOne, and so many more. Merry Xmas."
- a happy viewer
Millenniyule is an institution.
Forwarded from Millenniyule