Survive the Jive: All-feed

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New artwork of Api the snake legged goddess of the Scythians (by Evgeny Kray). Learn more in this documentary SCYTHIAN GODS: The Religion of the Steppe Horse Lords
To give a sacrificial victim to Odin they had to be spear wounded and hanged.

Odin was himself a necromancer and necromantic rites were very important in Norse paganism. They included speaking with the dead at tombs.

It is possible to interpret the crucifixion and resurrection as the story of a rabbi inadvertently given to Odin by the Romans resulting in his reappearance after death as a ghost or draugr.
Forwarded from Hearthfire Radio
NEW EPISODE — Radio North Sea International — Stone Age to Viking Age in the Northern and Western Isles: Farmers, herders, Picts, Gaels and Vikings

Tom Rowsell takes us through 9000 years of history, telling the story of the far flung islands of Scotland which have been settled by successive waves of invaders. The lecture lets you know which ancient archaeological sites are worth visiting in the Hebrides, Orkneys and Shetlands during the cruise. Starting with the hunter gatherers, then the first farmers of the Neolithic who were replaced by Bronze Age invaders from Eastern Europe who were themselves challenged by a new culture of Celtic speakers in the Iron Age, the story ends with the Viking raiders and merchants who arrived in medieval times. The timeline is revealed through the latest archaeological and genetic evidence from this region and beyond.

Get signed up for only $12/mo. to get behind the paywall and access this episode.
Sacrifice at the water’s edge - vendel era Nordic warriots
Not sure about this above proposed etymology but it is interesting. In compounds Frea is a title of Ingui
Forwarded from Æhtemen
Frēa's name is often translated as Lord, however in a fascinating article in Spellstów (Vol 5 no.4) Brúnwulf discusses Elmeviks work on the origin of Frēa and explores the idea that his name could be rooted in *fraiwijaz (fertile) from *fraiwą (seed).

The phallic symbolism we associate with Frēa clearly shows him to be a fertility god. Brúnwulf continues to explore the idea through Frēa's other name Ing or Ingvi suggesting the root of these names is *néƙus meaning 'dead', that Frēa's death is a ritual where he is buried every year like the seed.
Forwarded from Hammer and Vajra
Here are a few great pro English and pro Germanic takes from for those of you who are tired of the constant political anti Germanic (also anti Celtic) anti British and anti American (including Canadian) attacks.
Knowing your ancient connections alone is a good defense and can lift up one's spirit.