Plant Protection science 🌱🦠🔬

Логотип телеграм канала Plant Protection science 🌱🦠🔬
کانال علم و دانش گیاهپزشکی اخبار و تازه های گیاهپزشکی توسط دانشجویان گیاهپزشکی دانشگاه سراسری تبریز مطالب علمی مفید
Plant Protection science 🌱🦠🔬
How citrus greening affects citrus industry?🍋🍊🌱🪴🌳🚜
How citrus greening affects citrus industry?🍋🍊🌱🪴🌳🚜

🍊Citrus Huanglongbing, previously known as Citrus Greening Disease is a highly destructive and incurable bacterial disease that affects citrus plants.

🦠The disease is caused by the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, which is primarily transmitted mostly by the Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri).

🍋The disease can affect various citrus species, including oranges, mandarins, lemons, limes, and grapefruits.

🌱The disease causes a range of symptoms, including yellowing of leaves (mottling), blotchy and asymmetrical patterns on leaves, misshapen, small, and bitter-tasting fruit, premature fruit drop, and dieback of branches.

🌳Infected trees gradually decline in health, leading to reduced fruit production and eventual tree death.

🦗The disease can be transmitted when the vector insect, the Asian citrus psyllid acquires the bacterium during feeding on HLB infected citrus plants. During feeding, the bacterium enters the psyllid's body and infects its internal tissues.

🔎Once infected, the bacterium multiplies within the psyllid's body and moves through its circulatory system.

🔄When the infected Asian citrus psyllid feeds on a healthy citrus plant to obtain nutrients, it releases the bacterium from its salivary glands into the plant's vascular system. The bacterium then spreads throughout the plant, affecting its various tissues and organs.

🪴The disease can also be spread through the movement of infected plant material and grafting of infected buds or branches onto healthy trees.

🧪Given the severity of the disease, early detection, quarantine measures, insect vector control and immediate action are crucial in preventing the spread of citrus greening disease.

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