
Логотип телеграм канала Kreisgarten
Über 35 permakulturelle Gemüse-und Blumengärten in Kreisform sind durch Workshops von Dipl. Ing. Migizi Trost-Wagner entstanden. Sie ist Gärtnerin, Permakultur Designerin filmt was im Kreisgarten so zu tun ist u. interessante Menschen u. Projekte.
Forwarded from Gene Keys
The Pulse – 20 Sep to 26 Sep – This week we enter a contemplation of Perfection. Our nature is already perfect, although we follow a curve of constant refinement of our base energies into alchemical gold. Open your heart to embrace this paradox of life as perfect as it is, and also as it will be.

Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.

Listen to the audio:

#genekeys #genekey18 #integrity #perfection #thepulse
Forwarded from Gene Keys
The Pulse – 20 Sep to 26 Sep – This week we will meet the great truth of Ecstasy, which can be accessed through our hidden nature. To experience this Ecstasy, we must be willing to transform every last vestige of our lower nature, by looking through the lens of Delight.

Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.

Listen to the audio:

#genekeys #genekey46 #delight #ecstasy #thepulse
Forwarded from Gene Keys
The Pulse – 14 Sep to 20 Sep – This week we will contemplate Gene Key 6, which holds the key to our collective future, realised as a state of limitless peace. May this be a peaceful week for us all.

Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.

Listen to the audio:

#genekeys #genekey6 #diplomacy #peace #thepulse
Forwarded from Gene Keys
The Pulse – 9 Sep to 14 Sep – This week we explore Gene Key 47, where old karmic issues from the past can sometimes resurface for us to work with. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by such forces, we can open our hearts wider and embrace the miraculous.

Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.

Listen to the audio:

#genekeys #thepulse #transfiguration #transmutation #miraculous #karma
Forwarded from Gene Keys
The Pulse – 3 Sep to 9 Sep – This week we meet Gene Key 64, the power of the creative imagination. Commit to a new creative process this week and you will be amazed at what good fortune comes your way.

Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.

Listen to the audio:

#genekeys #genekey64 #illumination #imagination #thepulse
Forwarded from Gene Keys
The Pulse – 28 Aug to 3 Sep – This week we meet Gene Key 40 - Divine Will invites us to surrender and open to forces far beyond us. You can use this week to deepen your connection to the Divine.

Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.

Listen to the audio:

#genekeys #genekey40 #resolve #divinewill #thepulse
The Pulse – 22 Aug to 28 Aug – This week we contemplate Gene Key 59 – a great week to speak the truth and to build intimacy. Be open to breakthroughs in relationships.

Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.

Listen to the audio:

#genekeys #genekey59 #transparency #intimacy #thepulse
Forwarded from Gene Keys
The Pulse – 30 Jul to 5 Aug – This week we contemplate Gene Key 33. Traditionally, this is about going inwards into retreat in order to access the deep wisdom of revelation. Make some time this week for your own inner voyage and see what emerges.

Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.

Listen to the audio:

#genekeys #genekey33 #revelation #mindfulness #thepulse