کتابخانه مجازی

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53,37 тыс.
5,45 тыс.
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کتاب The Fall of Heaven "سقوط یک بهشت"، کتابی است که نوشته یک تاریخ شناس برجسته آمریکایی Andrew Scott Cooper می باشد و مدتی پیش در ایالات متحده آمریکا منتشر شد.
در این کتاب خواندنی، نویسنده برای اولین بار در تاریخ #آمریکا اظهار می کند که اگر #محمدرضا_شاه_پهلوی و حکومت او همچنان بر سر کار بود، امروزه #دنیا_محل_امنی برای زندگی بود و خبری از تروریسم در جهان نبود.

در این کتاب نویسنده با مدرک ثابت می کند که چگونه #آمریکا و #اروپا نقش مستقیمی در سرنگون کردن محمدرضا شاه و روی کار آوردن #خمینی و حکومت او، جمهوری اسلامی، داشتند. در این کتاب توضیح داده می شود که چگونه ایران با سرعتی بالاتر از کشور ژاپن در حال رشد و پیشرفت بود و چگونه محمدرضا شاه شبانه روز برای آبادانی ایران می کوشید.

در پایان نویسنده از سالهای آخر شاه در ایران می گوید و شرح می دهد که چگونه رسانه های غربی به ترور شخصیت او می پرداختند و او را دیکتاتور و ناقض حقوق بشر، شکنجه گر و جنایتکار معرفی می کردند در حالی که همه این تبلیغات دروغ بود و شاه حتا حاضر نشد برای حفظ سلطنت خود از نیروی نظامی قوی که داشت بر علیه ملتش استفاده کند و خون ملتش را بریزد.

The Fall of Heaven is a history of Iran during the reign of the last Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The author is a specialist in U.S.-Iran relations, but in this book the American interests are a sideshow and the story of Iran is the main story. I received an advance copy from the Goodreads Giveaways program.

The book is organized into two parts. The first part deals with most of the Shah’s reign, beginning in 1941 when Iran was occupied by Allied armies during World War II, and his vision including self-determination (very difficult in the Cold War era), equal rights for women, modern technology and culture, often in emulation of Europe but also trying to establish a Persian identity. By taking control of oil production from American and British corporations, the Shah was able to accomplish much of his vision and create an economy that was extremely prosperous, though hardly smooth.
The second part of the book deals with the chain of events beginning almost forty years ago, which led to the rise of Khomeini and the Islamic government, the downfall of the Shah and his voluntary exile. 

The writing is compelling; I felt almost as if I were witnessing the events. The author takes time to describe crucial misunderstandings/deceptions, difficult choices, how individual people felt, and the harder question about how "the people" felt. There are many direct quotations and even conversations recorded in the speakers’ own words. The perspective of the book is complex: while it’s centered on and sympathetic to the royal family, they are portrayed as very human. Each chapter begins with a couple of beautifully selected quotations – from the Shah, the Queen, Ayatollah Khomeini, or the ancient Persian Book of Kings.

I highly recommend this book and recognize it is dealing with a subject about which I know too little.
