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Divê em komkujiya #Kolberan protesto bikin:
Ji xelkê azad yê Kurdistanê, rêxistinên radikal sivîl û sendîka yê kedê re
Tam 5 roj beriya hilbijartinê nelihevkirineke Îranê hêzên çekdar sînorê Îranê li xeta sînorê bajarê Kurdistanê Îranê êrîşê komên Kolberan kirin. Rişê di encamê de du kes hatin kuştin (#Shahed_Adak û #Ahamd_Sahrayi) û dora 10 birîndarên ku birîndarên krîtîk jî hene. Hikûmeta Îranê di dîrokek din jî de dîroka wê hovane li Kurdistanê zêde kir.
Em vê sûcê şermezar dikin û bang li we mirovên azad dikin ku li dijî vê çalakiyê li bajarên Kurdistanê protesto bikin.
Serokên Kordînatorê Kolbar News
Duşem 17ê Sibatê, 2020-an

🆔 @kolbarnews

We must protest against the massacre of the #Kolbars:

Free people of Kurdistan,
Radical civil organizations and trade unions,

As we reported earlier on Sunday 16th of February, exactly 5 days before the Iranian ironic election Iranian border armed forces had attacked groups of Kolbars in Kurdistan border line. The attacked resulted in two death (#Shahed_Adak and #Ahamd_Sahrayi) and 10 wounded around them are critically wounded ones. Islamic Republic of Iran has added one more paragraph in its brutal treatment history in Kurdistan.
We have reported the details of this crime in our reports so far. We condemn this crime and call on you, free people, to protest in the cities of Kurdistan against this action.
Board Directors of Kolbar News
Monday February 17, 2020

🆔 @kolbarnews
8 Kolbars has been wounded and 2 killed in #Uramanat (#Oramanat) and Marivan border line:
According to received reports on Sunday 16th of February 2020 a group of Kolbars had been attacked by Iranian armed groups in #Nosod border city. The attack resulted in 2 Kolbars being killed and 7 of them being Wounded. The names of the wounded once are:
#Jabbar_Mohammady, #Zahed_Nory, #Jalal_Nory, #Shahed_Adak, #Taha_Salmany, #Ahmad_Sahrai from #Deshe village in the city of #Paveh and #Azim_Aminzadeh married and from #Neroy village a part of #Uramanat and #Rasol_Hoshy from #Javanrud. It should be mentioned that no further information is reported about their conditions so far.
Another Kolbar in #Marivan border line has been wounded by a direct shoot of Iranian regime armed forces. He has been taken to #Marivan #Hospital for medical treatment. This event took place at 20:00 o’clock Sunday 16th of February at #Dolebi village.
