Block-LNG-Ticker Rügen

Логотип телеграм канала Block-LNG-Ticker Rügen
1,08 тыс.
Aktuelle Infos zu Klimacamps auf Rügen. Nächstes Camp: 20.- 24.9. und Aktionswochenende von Ende Gelände: 22. -24.9. + große Demo am 23.09 um 11 Uhr in Sassnitz
💥 END OF ACTION: Yesterday, 9/23, the #BlockLNG action day took place on Rügen against the construction of Europe's second largest LNG terminal. 💥

Together with the citizens' initiative Lebenswertes Rügen, Fridays for Future Rügen and other actors, the action alliance started the demo with a rally in Sassnitz. With more than 700 people, we took our diverse protest to the streets and sent a strong signal against the construction of LNG infrastructure in front of the port of Mukran. Shortly before the intermediate rally near the port, a part of the activists managed to break out of the demonstration and gain access to the port area despite fences. Another part of the demonstration successfully blocked a pipeline depot for hours.

The police showed surprise in between - Where does the demo suddenly want to go? ;-) At the same time they acted brutally against activists and the press, food transport for the blockade was denied. Two activists were in medical treatment, but are back again <3
This successful day of action has shown us again: Obstacles do not stop us. We oppose fossil capitalism decisively!

Off the coast of Mukran, the company ReGas is building a huge LNG terminal on behalf of the German government - despite massive resistance from local people. In the middle of the climate crisis, fossil fuel infrastructure is being expanded while at the same time human rights violations and the destruction of nature are being accepted. A brand-new study of the DIW clearly states: The terminal is not necessary for the energy security in Germany!

No private profits on the back of people and climate! We need a radical system change! For an economy that is not based on profit and growth, but enables the "Good Life" for all and respects ecological limits.

Fossil Rollback? Not with us!

#Rueg2023 #AllAgainstLNG #EGGoesRuegen #blockLNG # #frackoff #NoLNG #CleanGasIsADirtyLie #kickassblockgas #climatejustice