Fabian Picardo

Логотип телеграм канала Fabian Picardo
Chief Minister, Gib Socialist Labour Party. Lawyer. Proud father of 2 handsome boys & a gorgeous little girl. I block all anonymous trolls cos life's too short.
Great to meet for a quick chat with @Keir Starmer during @UKLabour
Conference 2024. He is well up to speed on all matters #Gibraltar.
#Gibraltar and the UK are committed to concluding a safe, secure and beneficial UK / EU treaty on Gibraltar's future relationship with the EU. With @DavidLammy I attended constructive talks with @MarosSefcovic and @jmalbares, together with our teams, to progress closer to a treaty. Lots done.
Lots still to do. I remain optimistic and committed to this dialogue.
Top left to top right: Gibraltar. Bottom left: Dolphin. Every day of the year you can see the wild Dolphins in the Bay of Gibraltar with #DolphinAdventure #Gibraltar (yellow boats!) and your kids (and adults) will flip like Flipper at the huge number of them!
I spoke, a few moments ago, with Rt Hon David Lammy MP, as we start the process of engaging with the new @UKLabour Government in the United Kingdom.

The re-stated commitment, this morning, by @DavidLammy to the "Double Lock" on British Sovereignty of Gibraltar is very welcome, of course - although it could never be in doubt, especially given it was a commitment first entered into by a Labour Government.

Lots to do, not least to restart the political aspects of the work for a UK/EU Treaty in relation to #Gibraltar. Our postions are totally aligned, as we continue this important work together, hand-in-glove with the UK, in partnership.

I look forward to meeting David very soon and to additional appointments by the Prime Minister to other positions in the @FCDOGovUK .

For the first time in history, we have socialist parties in Government in London, Madrid and Gibraltar... that ideological solidarity will no doubt help us in out work.
Delighted to see a Labour Government. Socialist governments in London, Madrid and Gibraltar for the first time in history. Last week I met @AngelaRayner with @GemmaArias in London. 1 have met with @Keir_Starmer on a number of occasions to discuss #Gibraltar. Last week I met also with Neil Kinnock, the legendary Labour Leader. Looking forward to working with @DavidLammy and @SDoughtyMP.