احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#lesson 42

#Reported_speech 2
#الكلام_المبلغ_عنه_ والكلام_المباشر

✴️دائما نغير الفعل في "
reported speech".
لكن اذا الوضع مازال نفسه ليس ضروري لتغيير الفعل للماضي
#direct Paul said, ‘My new job is boring.’
👈باول قال: عملي الجديد ممل😪
#reported Paul said that his new job is boring.
👈باول قال ان عمله الجديد ممل 😪 "الوضع مازال نفسه عمله لايزال ممل الان"

✴️تستطيع ايضا تغيير الفعل للماضي :
🔆Paul said that his new job was boring.
👈باول قال ان عمله الجديد كان ممل 😪
🔸🔸🔸 🔸🔸 🔸🔸 🔸🔸 🔸🔸 🔸🔸
#direct Helen said, ‘I want to go to Canada next year.’

#reported Helen told me that she wants to go to Canada next year.
👈"هيلين لاتزال تريد ان تذهب لكندا السنة الجايه"

✴️تستطيع ايضا تغيير الفعل للماضي :
🔆Helen told me that she wanted to go to Canada next year.
✴️لكن اذا الوضع قد تغير او انتهئ انت يستخدم الفعل الماضي
🔸🔸🔸 🔸🔸🔸 🔸🔸🔸

🔰1⃣Paul left the room suddenly. He said ‘I have to go.’ (direct speech)

🔰2⃣Paul left the room suddenly. He said (that) he had to go. (not has to go)

✴️تحتاج إلى استخدام الماضي في
reported speech عندما ما قِيل يختلف عما هو صحيح حقا.

مثلا انت قابلت احمد قبل عدة ايام هو قال :
🔆Have you heard? Ali is in hospital.
بعد ذلك اليوم انت تقابل علي بالشارع انت تقول :
🔆Ali, this is a surprise. Rachel said you were in hospital.
(not ‘you are in hospital’ – لانه واضح هو مش بالمستشفئ)

✴️Say and Tell
💠إذا قلت لمن يتحدث شخص ما استخدم "tell":
🔆Rachel told me that you were in hospital. ( Rachel said me)
👈لانه ذكر انه تحدث الي
🔆What did you tell the police?
( say the police)

💠بخلاف استخدام "say":
🔆Rachel said that you were in hospital.
( Rachel told that …)
👈لانه لم يذكر لمن تحدث فقط قال
🔆What did you say?
✴️تستطيع ان تستخدم
say something to somebody’:
🔆Anna said goodbye to me and left .
(Anna said me goodbye)
🔅What did you say to the police?

✴️نقول 👈tell somebody to
ونقول 👈‘ask somebody to
🔰#مقارنة بين direct & reported speech:
💠#directDrink plenty of water,’ the doctor said to me.
#reported The doctor told me to drink plenty of water.

💠#directDon’t work too hard,’ I said to Joe.
#reported I told Joe not to work too hard.

💠#directCan you help me, please,’ Jackie said to me.
✴️ #reported Jackie asked me to help her.

يمكن ايضا استخدام
Somebody said (not) to do something’:
🔆Paul said not to worry about him. (but not Paul said me)
🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 41
#Reported_speech 1 (he said that …)

✴️ #مقدمة_عن_الدرس
رأيت صديقك احمد أمس وتريد أن تخبر أحدا ماذا قال
هناك طريقتان للقيام بذلك:
1⃣ يمكنك تكرار كلمات صديقك بالنص (direct speech):
🔆Ahmed said, ‘I’m feeling ill.’
👈احمد قال: انا اشعر بمرض
2⃣او يمكنك استخدام reported speech:
🔆Ahmed said that he was feeling ill.
👈قال أحمد إنه يشعر بالمرض.

🔸في الـ direct: نكتب بالنص كما قال وقت الحدث
في الكتابة نستخدم علامة الاقتباس (’) بالنهاية لإظهار الكلام المباشر😁

🔸في الـ reported : نحول الفاعل الى غائب مثلا بالمثال قلنا He ونحول الفعل بالماضي Was

✴️عندمانستخدم reported speech الفعل الرئيسي في الجملة غالبا نخليه ماضي
(Ahmed said that . / I told her that … etc.).
ما تبقى من الجملة عادة ما يكون الماضي أيضا.
🔅Ahmed said that he was feeling ill.
🔅I told Lisa that I didn’t have any money.

💠يمكنك اهمال (That). لذلك يمكنك أن تقول:
🔆Ahmed said that he was feeling ill.
Paul said he was feeling ill.

بشكل عام ، يتغير الزمن present في الكلام المباشر "reported speech" إلى الماضي "past" في reported speech
💠 am/is →was 💠do/does →did
💠 will →would 💠 are →were
💠have/has →had 💠 can →could
💠want/like/know/go etc. → wanted/liked/knew/went etc.


🔰#مقارنة بين direct & reported speech:
✴️مثلا لقد قابلت صديقك " Ala "وهنا بعض من الأشياء التي قالها بالـ Direct speech :

🔆 he said , I’ve lost my phone'.
👈لقد ضيعت تلفوني
🔆I want to buy a car.
🔆I can’t come to the party on Friday.
🔆I don’t have much free time.
🔆My parents are fine.
🔆I’m going away for a few days.
🔆I’ll phone you when I get back

✴️في وقت لاحق انت اخبرت شخص ما قال صديقك باستخدام reported speech:

🔆Ala said that he had lost his phone.
👈علاء قال انه قد ضيع تلفونه
🔆He said that he wanted to buy a car.
🔆he said that he couldn’t come to
the party on Friday.

🔆he said that he didn’t have much
free time.

🔆he said that his parents were fine.
🔆he said that he was going away for a
few days

🔆he said that would phone me when he got back

✴️ في الماضي البسيط (did/saw/knew etc.) يمكن ان تبقئ كما هي في reported speech او يمكن تغيرها للماضي التام past perfect
(had done / had seen / had known etc.):
🔆#direct Paul said: ‘I woke up feeling ill, so I didn’t go to work.’
🔆#reported Paul said (that) he woke up feeling ill, so he didn’t go to work.
Paul said (that) he had woken up feeling ill, so he hadn’t gone to work.

🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 40
#Questions 2

✴️كيفية صياغة السؤال بالطريقة indirect & reported
1⃣نستخدم هذه الجمل في البداية :
💠Do you know where … ?
💠I don’t know why
💠Could you tell me what …

2⃣نضيف الجملة ونعكس الفاعل قبل الفعل
Do you know where Tom has gone?
( has Tom gone)

🔆What time is it?
Do you know what time it is?
🔅Who are those people?
I don’t know who those people are.
🔆Where can I find Louise?
Can you tell me where I can find Louise?
🔆How much will it cost?
Do you have any idea how much it will cost?

📌عند وجود do/does/did في السؤال عند تحويله الي صيغة Indirect نحذفهن :

🔆What time does the film start?
Do you know what time the film starts?
🔆What do you mean?
Please explain what you mean.
🔆Why did she leave early?
I wonder why she left early.

✴️Use if or whether where there is no other question word (what, why etc.):
🔆Did anybody see you? but I don’t know if anybody saw me.
whether anybody saw me.

✴️He asked me where
تحدث نفس التغييرات في ترتيب الكلمات في الأسئلة في reported speech.

🔷 #direct :The police officer said to us ‘Where are you going ?’
🔸#reported : The police officer asked us where we were going .

🔶#direct :Clare asked ‘What time do the shops close ?’
🔹#reported: Clare wanted to know what time the shops closed .
#ملحوظة : يتغير الفعل في reported speech الى الماضي Past

💠 #تذكر_القاعدة :

1⃣تحول الفاعل والفعل للشخص المخاطَب
2⃣ تحول الفعل (المضارع) للشكل للماضي واذا كان السؤال المباشر يتكلم على (الماضي) يتم تحويله للماضي التام
3⃣وتعكسهم يكون الفاعل قبل الفعل
4⃣واذا هناك do/does/did في السؤال المباشر تحذفهم
✴️هنا #امثله عن اسئلة مقابلة قيلت في المقابلة وبعدها مباشرة الشخص الذي تمت المقابلة يخبر اصدقائة بما سألوه باستخدام reported speech:

🔆Are you willing to travel?
She asked if (or whether) I was willing to travel.

🔆What do you do in your spare time?
She wanted to know what I did in my spare time.
🔆How long have you been working in your present job?
She asked how long I had been working in my present job.
🔆Why did you apply for the job?
She asked why I had applied for the job. or … why I applied …
🔆Can you speak any other languages?
She wanted to know if (or whether) I could speak any other languages.
🔆Do you have a driving licence?
She asked if (or whether) I had a driving licence.

🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️