احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Логотип телеграм канала احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
5,55 тыс.
1,78 тыс.
قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR
🗄 The Office - I need an assistant! 🗄

A: ...like I told you before, we just don’t have the resources to hire you an assistant.

B: I understand that, but the fact is we’re understaffed.

A: The timing is just not right. The economy is bad, and it’s too risky to take on new staff.

B: Yeah, I guess you’re right... Here’s an idea, what if we hire an intern? She would take some of the weight off my shoulders.

A: She?

B: Yeah, you know, a recent graduate. She could give me a hand with some of these projects and we could keep our costs down.

A: That sounds reasonable... Let me see what I can do.

A: Tony, I’d like to introduce you to your new assistant.

B: OK, great! Let’s meet her!

C: Hi, I’m Adam.

B: Oh... hi... I’m Tony...


🗄 #Key_Vocabulary 🗄

resources - money "المال"
understaffed - not enough people to do the job "نقص بالموضفين"
the timing is just not right - it is not a good time now "إنه ليس الوقت المناسب الآن "
weight off my shoulders - remove pressure or stress "إزالة الضغط أو الإجهاد"
give me a hand - help "ساعدني"
that sounds reasonable - is OK "تمام"


🗄 Supplementary Vocabulary 🗄

recruit - hire "يستاجر& يوظف"
overworked - work too much أكثر من طاقتهم
short staffed - not enough people to do the job "لا يكفي من الناس للقيام بهذه المهمة"
cut costs - reduce spending "خفض الإنفاق"
overstaffed - having too many employees
"وجود عدد كبير جدا من الموظفين"



🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

📚 Homeschooling 📚

A: I think we should home school our children when we decide to have kids.

B: What? Why?

A: Well, our public schools here are not very good and private school are just too expensive. I have been reading up on home schooling and it has a lot of advantages.

B: Like what? I think that by doing something like that we would be isolating our children from social interaction.

A: Well, first of all, I would be able to teach them everything they learn in school in a more relaxed and fun way. I also think that having a one-on-one class is much better since you can focus more on his or her strengths or weaknesses.

B: I think neither your parents or mine would agree to such an idea.

A: I will bring it up over Sunday brunch.

B: Good luck with that!

home school - 🔸 لتعليم الأطفال في المنزل
first of all 🔸 - firstly "اولا"
read up -
🔸لإجراء بحث أو إرشاد نفسك حول موضوع ما
isolate - 🔸يعزل
social interaction -
🔸المقابلات والتحدث والقيام بأنشطة مع الناس

one-on-one - 🔸التقاء أو فصل بين شخصين
strengths - 🔸 القوة
weakness - 🔸 الضعف
bring something up -
🔸لذكر او فتح الموضوع للمناقشة



GED - general education diploma which is the equivalent of a high school diploma
SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test is a test which is taken throughout the US as an admission test to US colleges
tutor - a person employed in the education of others, either individually or in groups
recess - a short period of free time between school classes
quiz - a short quick test



🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
🏨 Hotel Upgrade🏨

A: Good afternoon. What can I do for you?

B: I’d like to check in please. I have a reservation under the name Anthony Roberts.

A: All right R.O.B.E.R.T.S... Oh, Mr. Roberts we’ve been expecting you... And here is your keycard to the presidential suite.

B: But there must be some mistake; my reservation was for a standard room.

A: Are you sure? Let me double check.

B: Yeah... Here, this is my confirmation number.

A: You’re right Mr. Roberts, there seems to be a mix- up, unfortunately we’re overbooked at the moment.

B: So...

A: Not to worry. We’re pleased to offer you a complimentary upgrade.

B: Presidential suite baby!


🏨 #Key_Vocabulary

check in - register at a hotel or airport
👈التسجيل في فندق أو مطار

under the name - name used for the reservation
👈الاسم المستخدم للحجز
reservation - booking "حجز"
confirmation - an approval, verification
👈الموافقة والتحقق
mix-up - confusion "يشوش & يرتبش"
complimentary upgrade - free improvement of quality
👈تحسين مجاني للجودة "ترقية مجانية"
overbooked - full "مليان"


🏨Supplementary Vocabulary

check out - pay and leave a hotel
👈يدفع ويغادر الفندق
booking - reservation "حجز"
concierge - hotel employee that helps guests "بواب"
deluxe room - hotel room, better than standard "غرفة فاخرة "
receipt - paper showing payment details
👈"ايصال الاستلام"


🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
✂️ Cut In Line ✂️

A: I can’t believe it took us two hours to get here. The traffic in New York is unbelievable.

B: Yeah, but just relax honey, we’re here and we’re going on vacation. In a few hours we’ll be in Hawaii, and you’ll be on the golf course.

A: Oh no! Look at that line! It must be a mile long! There’s no way I’m waiting for another two hours.

B: Honey... don’t...

C: Hey man, the end of the line is over there.

A: Yeah...

C: No seriously, I was here first, and you can’t cut in line like this.

A: Says who?

C: I do!

A: So sue me!

C: Alright... that’s it...


✂️#Key_Vocabulary "المفردات"

unbelievable - incredible, "غير معقول"
relax - calm down "اهدا"
be a mile long - is very long "طويل جداً"
cut in line - move in front of someone waiting in line
- "تحرك أمام شخص ينتظر في الطابور"

there’s no way - it’s impossible "مستحيل"


✂️Supplementary Vocabulary

traffic jam - many cars not moving on the road
"العديد من السيارات لا تتحرك على الطريق"

a few hours from now - soon, in a couple of hours
form a queue - to get in line "طابور"
jump the queue - cut in line(Br E)
stand in line - wait in line "ينتظر ع الطابور "
line up - form a line "ينتظم في صف"


🟦⬜️🟦⬜️ @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️