احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Логотип телеграм канала احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Essential_English_words ✴️ #Trouble /ˈtrʌbəl/ BrE AmE #noun 🔸اضطراب ; قلاقل ; مرض ; إزعاج ; الم ; هم ; مشكلة ; بلاء ; مصدر إزعاج ; خلل ; عناء ; علة ; ضراء 1️⃣[countable/uncountable] problems, worries, or difficulties 🔹The company has had serious financial…

💢#Trouble /ˈtrʌbəl/ BrE AmE #verb [transitive]

كدر ; أقلق ; عكر ; أثار ; أزعج

1️⃣to make someone worried

🔹What’s wrong? Is something troubling you?

🔘it troubles someone that:
🔹It troubles me that I haven’t heard from her recently.

2️⃣#spoken_formal to cause someone a slight problem or difficulty by asking them to do something for you

🔹I’m sorry you’ve been troubled – it won’t happen again.

🔘trouble yourself:
🔹‘I’ll call her if you like.’ ‘No, don’t trouble yourself.

2️⃣🅰️#spoken_formal used for making a polite request

🔹I’m sorry to trouble you, but can I borrow a pen?

🔘trouble someone for something:
🔹Could I trouble you for a lift home?

🔘trouble someone to do something:
🔹Could I trouble you to pass the butter?

3️⃣usually progressive if a part of your body is troubling you, it is not working as it should and is causing you pain

🔹His right shoulder is troubling him.


   In #everyday_English, people usually say not bother to do something rather than not trouble to do something:

     They didn’t bother to ask me what I thought.


🚩trouble to do something

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

✴️ #Trouble /ˈtrʌbəl/ BrE AmE #noun
🔸اضطراب ; قلاقل ; مرض ; إزعاج ; الم ; هم ; مشكلة ; بلاء ; مصدر إزعاج ; خلل ; عناء ; علة ; ضراء

1️⃣[countable/uncountable] problems, worries, or difficulties

🔹The company has had serious financial troubles recently.
🔹The trouble started when I was transferred to a new department.
🔹You could tell your troubles to this man, she thought.
🔹a life filled with pain and trouble

🔘have trouble with something:
🔹I’m having some trouble with this new software.

🔘have trouble doing something:
🔹He was having trouble hearing her (=finding it difficult to hear her).

🔘cause/ make trouble for someone/ something:
🔹She can make a lot of trouble for you.

🔘cause someone/ something trouble:
🔹It would just cause me more trouble in the long run.

1️⃣🅰️[singular] an aspect or feature of someone or something that causes problems, worries, or difficulties

🔘the trouble (with someone/ something) is (that):
🔹The trouble with my parents is they think I’m still a child.

🔘the only trouble (with someone/ something) is (that):
🔹The only trouble with that idea was that Isabel would never agree to it.

🔘someone’s trouble is (that):
🔹Your trouble is you are greedy.

2️⃣[uncountable] a health problem affecting a part of your body

🔘heart/ stomach/ back trouble:
🔹My family has a history of heart trouble.

🔘give/ cause someone trouble:
🔹My knee’s been giving me a lot of trouble lately.

🔘have trouble with something:
🔹She’s been having a bit of trouble with her eyes.

2️⃣🅰️a problem affecting a machine or system that makes it not work as it should
🔸مشكلة تؤثر على آلة أو نظام يجعلها
لا تعمل كما ينبغي

🔘engine/ mechanical trouble:
🔹The plane developed engine trouble five minutes after take-off.
👈واجهت الطائرة مشكلة في المحرك بعد خمس دقائق من الإقلاع.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹