احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Логотип телеграм канала احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Grammar #collections 🐊COMPOUND ADJECTIVES🐊 🔆• I saw a man-eating alligator. ر👈أيت تمساحا يأكل الإنسان. 💠We are describing the alligator. What type of alligator is it? It is one that eats men (or people). 👈نحن نصف التمساح. ما هو نوع التمساح? هو الذي يأكل…

كيف نعرف متى نضع واصلة ⁉️ 🤔

إذا كان بإمكانك استخدام كلمة" And " بين الصفتين أو الكلمتين ، فإن الواصلة ليست ضرورية.

🍃 She has a big blue book.

(Big and Blue are adjectives)

Can we say: She has a big and blue book.
Yes, it is possible

🍃 He is a world famous singer.(Is this correct?)🤔

Can we say: He is a world and famous singer.
No, it doesn't sound correct so we need a hyphen to join the words world and famous:

🍃He is a world-famous singer.
👈إنه مغني مشهور عالميا

Also, look at the following:

🍃 It's an old coal-mining town.

⚠️Notice how we didn't put a hyphen between the word old and coal. If we had have done that, we would have been referring to old coal, as in coal that is old. We want to emphasis that the town in old and not the coal.

Here we can say:

It is old and a coal-mining one.


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹


🔆• I saw a man-eating alligator.
ر👈أيت تمساحا يأكل الإنسان.

💠We are describing the alligator. What type of alligator is it? It is one that eats men (or people).
👈نحن نصف التمساح. ما هو نوع التمساح? هو الذي يأكل الرجال (أو الناس).

🔆• I saw a man eating alligator.
👈*رأيت رجلا يأكل التمساح.

💠This sentence without the hyphen sounds like a man is eating an alligator.
💠هذه الجملة بدون الواصلة تبدو وكأن الرجل يأكل التمساح.

(man is the subject, eating is the verb, alligator is the object or thing that is being eaten).

كما ترى ، فإن الواصلة Hyphen (أو عدم وجودها) تحدث فرقا كبيرا في معنى الجملة.😯
الواصله تعني👈 ( - )

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🔹 ( , ) comma       
🔹 ( . ) period, decimal point   
🔹 ( ; ) semicolon
🔹 ( : ) colon     
🔹 ( ! ) exclamation mark / exclamation point    
🔹 ( ? ) question mark    
🔹 ( ) apostrophe, prime  
🔹 ( " ) quotation mark 
🔹 ( ( ) ) parenthesis 
🔹 ( [ ] ) square bracket / bracket
🔹 ( {} ) brace
🔹 ( < ) less-than sign
🔹 ( > ) greater-than sign   
🔹 ( $ )  dollar sign 
🔹 ( / ) slash 
🔹 ( % ) percent  
🔹 ( - ) dash / hyphen
🔹 ( # ) number sign / hash
🔹 ( & ) ampersand  
🔹 ( @ ) at sign
🔹 ( * ) asterisk
🔹 ( _ ) underscore

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

Comma Splice

🔻A comma splice occurs when you divide two complete clauses with a comma. Although we may use this phrasing when we speak, it is always a mistake when you write.

Hand me the salt and pepper, the eggs are bland. ✘
You sat on my pastry, now I can’t eat it. ✘
The birds come to the feeder every day, I have to refill it constantly. ✘

🔻When two clauses are related, they should be joined by a comma
and a conjunction
, or divided by either a semicolon or a period (if they belong in two separate sentences). If you examine the incorrect examples, you will notice that—in addition to the solution of using either a semicolon or a period—you might alternatively try using a conjunction such as because, so, or and.

You sat on my pastry, so now I can’t eat it. ✔️
You sat on my pastry; now I can’t eat it. ✔️


🔻Although a semicolon is a handy replacement in a comma splice for related clauses, one should never separate unrelated clauses with a semicolon.

🔹The birds come to the feeder every day; tomorrow I leave for Zimbabwe.

It may have a nice ring to it, but the clauses have nothing to do with each other.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

#PUNCTUATION علامات الترقيم

Punctuation (derived from the Latin punctum, a point) meas the right use of putting in points or stops in writing.
The following are the principal stops :

1) Full Stop or period ( . )
2) Comma ( , )
3) Colon ( : )
4) Question Mark ( ? )
5) Exclamation Mark ( ! )

✴️العلامات الأخرى الشائعة الاستخدام هي :
★ Dash ( _ )
★ Parentheses ( )
★ Inverted Commas and Quotation Mark " "

1⃣Full Stop or period ( . ) "النقطة"
تظهر أكبر وقفة وفصل. يتم استخدامه لوضع علامة على نهاية الجملة التصريحية أو الامرية .

🔆Dear, patient, gentle, Nell was dead .
👈يمكن استخدام النقطة في الاختصارات ، ولكن غالبا ما يتم حذفها بأسلوب حديث..
★ M.A or MA
★ M.P or MP
★ U.N.O or UNO

2⃣ Comma (,) ➠ الفاصلة
The comma represents the shortest pause, and is used:
🔸لفصل سلسلة من الكلمات في نفس البناء ؛ مثل
🔆England, France and Italy formed an alliance.
🔆He lost lands, money, reputation and friends.
🔆It was a long, dull and wearisome journey.
لا يتم وضع الفاصلة بشكل عام قبل الكلمة التي يسبقها And؛ مثل,

A Comma is generally not placed before the word preceded by and ; as,

🔸 لفصل كل أزواج من الكلمات المتصلة بواسطة And ؛ مثل :
🔆We should be devout and humble, cheerful and serene.
🔆High and low, rich and poor, wise and foolish, must all die.

🔸After a Nominative absolute ; as,
🔆 This done, she returned to the old man with a lovely smile on her face.
🔆The wind being favourable, the squadron sailed.

🔸 To mark off a Noun or phrase in Apposition ; as,
🔆Paul, the apostle, was beheaded in the reign of Nero
🔆Milton, the great English poet, was blind.

🔸 To mark off words used in addressing people
★ Come into the garden, Maud
★ How are you, Mohan?
But when the words are emphatic, we ought to use the note of Exclamation; as,
★ Monster ! By thee my child's devoured !

🔸 To mark off two or more adverbs or adverbial phrases coming together ; as,
★ Then, at length , tardy justice was done to the memory of Oliver.

🔸 Before and after a participial phrase, provided that the phrase might be expanded into a sentence, and is not used in a merely qualifying sense; as,
★ Caeser, having conquered his enemies, returned to Rome.

🔸Before and after words phrases or clauses, let into the body of a sentence; as,
★ it is mind, after all, which does the work of the world.
★ His behavior, to say the least, was very rude.
★ He didn't , however, gain his object.

🔸To indicate the omission of a word, especially a verb ; as,
★ He will succeed ; you, never.
★He was a Brahmin ; She, a Rajput.


3⃣ Colon ( : )*

The colon marks a still more complete pause than that expressed by the semi-colon. It is used ( Something with a dash after it)
1) To introduce a quotation ; as,
★ Bacon says : "Reading makes a full man, writing an exact man, speaking a ready man."

2) Before enumeration, example, etc ; as,
★ The principal parts of a verb in English are : the present tense, the past tense, and the past participle.

3) Between sentences grammatically independent but closely connected in sense;
★ Study to acquire a habit of thinking : no study is more important.

4⃣Semicolon ( ; ) " فاصلة منقوطة"

تمثل الفاصلة المنقوطة وقفة ذات أهمية أكبر من تلك التي تظهرها الفاصلة. يتم استخدامه :

💠 To separate the clauses of compound sentence, when they contain a comma; as,
★ He was a brave, large-hearted man, and we all honoured him.
💠لفصل سلسلة من الأسباب ذات الصلة تكتب بعد النتيجة وقبل السبب :
★ Her court was pure ; her life serene;
★ God gave her peace ; her land reposed.

5⃣ Question Mark ( ? ) "علامة الاستفهام "
🌐تستخدم بدلا من النقطة ، بعد السؤال مباشر
★ Have you written your exercise?
★ If you prick us, do we not bleed?
★ And if you wrong us, shall we not have revenge?
★ If you trickle us, do we not laugh?

💠لكن علامة الاستفهام لا تستخدم بعد سؤال غير مباشر
🔅 He asked me whether I had written my exercise.

🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙
Thank you teacher.
Thank you, teacher.
Thank you Teacher.
Thank you, Teacher.

💠When you directly address a person at the end of the sentence, you need a comma first.

👈عندما مباشرة نذكر الشخص في نهاية الجملة يجب اضافة كومه (, ) اولا قبل الاسم

💠When you use an occupation/title in direct address (instead of their name) you should capitalize it.


⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️