احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Логотип телеграм канала احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR

❗️❗️Commonly confused prepositions ❗️❗️
🤔 حروف الجر المحيره 🤔

📌 About and On

Both about and on can mean ‘regarding’. There is a slight difference of meaning.
اي كلاهما يعني " فيما يتعلق "

🔘We had a discussion about money.
👈كان لدينا نقاش عن "فيما يتعلق" المال.
🔘He gave a lecture on finance.
👈ألقى محاضرة عن " فيما يتعلق " التمويل

About used in the first sentence suggests that the discussion was ordinary.
✴️ـ About تستخدم في الجملة الأولى تشير إلى أن المناقشة كانت عادية.

On used in the second sentence suggests that the lecture was serious or academic, suitable for specialists.
✴️ـ On تستخدم في الجملة الثانية تشير إلى أن المحاضرة كانت جادة أو أكاديمية ، ومناسبة للمتخصصين.

📌 Above and over

Above and over can both mean ‘higher than’.

🔘The water came up above / over our waist.

Above is preferred when one thing is not directly over another.

🔘There is a temple above the lake. (The temple is not directly over the lake.)

Over is preferred when one thing covers or touches another.

🔘He put on a sweater over his shirt. (NOT He put on a sweater above his shirt.)

In measurements of temperature and height we use above. In measurements of ages and speeds we use over.

🔘The temperature never rose above 5 degrees Celsius.
You have to be over 18 to see that film.

📌 Across and through

The difference between across and through is similar to the difference meaningon and in.
Through is used for movement in a three dimensional space, with things on all sides. Across cannot be used with that meaning.


🔘We went through the wood. (We were in the wood.)

🔘The road goes through the forest.

🔘We walked across the desert. (We were on the desert.)

Across and over can both be used to mean ‘on the other side of a line / road / bridge etc’.

🔘There is a hospital across / over the border. (= There is a hospital on the other side of the border.)

🔘His shop is across / over the road. (= His shop is on the other side of the road.)

Across and over can also be used to talk about movement to the other side of a line / road etc.

🔘He jumped across / over the stream.

We prefer over when we say ‘on/to the other side of something high’.

🔘He climbed over the wall. (NOT He climbed across the wall.)

We prefer across when we say ‘on / to the other side of something flat’.

🔘We swam across the river. (NOT We swam over the river.)


The preposition along is used with nouns that refer to things with a long thin shape. Examples are: road, river, corridor, line

🔘She ran along the road.

🔘There are trees along the riverside.

📌 Along and through

To talk about periods or activities, we prefer through.

🔘She was silent all through the journey. (NOT She was silent all along the journey.)
Note that along can also be used as an adverb particle.

Come along. (= Come with me.)
Run along now. (= Go away.)


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 21
#so_and _such:

💠The form of so and such: (التركيب)

💠نستخدم So + adjective/adverb :
🔅so stupid 🔅 so quick
🔅so nice 🔅 so quickly
🟢The story was so stupid.
🟢Everything happened so quickly.

💠1⃣نستخدم such + noun :
🔅such a story 🔅such people
such a/ an + adjective + Singular noun :
🔅 such a stupid story
🔅such an intelligent boy
🟡It was such a stupid story. (not a so stupid story)
such+ adjective+pleural/uncountable noun :

🔅such nice people
🟡I like Liz and Joe. They are such nice
people. (not so nice people)

So and such make the meaning stronger:


💠I’ve had a busy day. I’m so tired.
(= really tired)
💠It’s difficult to understand him. He talks
so quietly.

💹You can use so … that:
🔆I was so tired that I fell asleep in the

🔅We had such a good time. (= a really good time)
🔅 You’re such an optimist.

🈯️You can use such … that:
🔅It was such nice weather that we spent
the whole day on the beach.

✳️So and such also mean ‘like this’:
🔅Somebody told me the house was built
100 years ago. I didn’t realise it was
so old. (= as old as it is)

🔆I’m tired because I got up at six.I don’t usually get up so early.

🔅I didn’t realise it was such an old house.
You know it’s not true.
🔅 How can you say such a thing? (= a thing like this)

🔰Note the expression no such … :
🔅You won’t find the word ‘blid’ in the
dictionary. There’s no such word.
(= this word does not exist)


1⃣so long
🔅I haven’t seen her for so long I’ve
forgotten what she looks like.
2⃣so far
🔅I didn’t know it was so far.

3⃣so much ➠ uncountable nouns
so many ➠ plural nouns
🔆I’m sorry I’m late – there was so much
🔅Some children have so many toys

1⃣such a long time
🔆I haven’t seen her for such a long time.
(not so long time)
2⃣such a long way
🔆I didn’t know it was such a long way.
3⃣such a lot (of)
🔅I’m sorry I’m late – there was such a lot
of traffic

💠ويستخدمso/ such في حالات التعجب Exclamations لتكون الجملة اقوئ :
1⃣ I was so surprised!
2⃣ it was such a shock !
3⃣ I've had such an awful day!
4⃣ you have such crazy idea!
5⃣There were so many people in town!
6⃣ I ve got so much work!
7⃣She sings so beautifully!
8⃣We had such terrible weather!