European Defence on Telegram by GRT : United to keep our Europe safe! - Unidos para mantener nuestra Europa segura!

Логотип телеграм канала European Defence on Telegram by GRT : United to keep our Europe safe! - Unidos para mantener nuestra Europa segura!
27,8 тыс.
4,94 тыс.
18,7 тыс.
Not included - By @DefenceTelegram @ArmyFreaks @PlanetFreaks @CountriesFreaks @GenRevolutionOfficial @RoadToPetabyte - Other @DefenceChannels @SafetyTelegramChannels @DefenceFactsOfficial 📼? @DefenceEuropeVideos
Das PC-7 TEAM gratuliert der Schweizer Eishockey Nati herzlich zum Gewinn der Silbermedaille an der WM! Hopp Schwiz! 🇨🇭🏒

Le PC-7 TEAM félicite l’équipe suisse de hockey sur glace pour sa médaille d‘argent aux mondiaux de hockey! Hopp suisse ! 🇨🇭🏒

Il PC-7 TEAM desidera congratularsi con la nazionale svizzera di hockey su ghiaccio per la medaglia d’argento ai campionati mondiali! Forza Svizzera! 🇨🇭🏒

The PC-7 TEAM congratulates the Swiss national ice hockey team on winning the silver medal at the World Championship! Go Switzerland! 🇨🇭🏒

#pc7team #airforce #swissairforce #airshow #formationflying #icehockey #iihfwm2024 @sphair_talents_for_the_sky @patrouillesuissefanclub @swissicehockeyfederation @iihfhockey @iihfwm2024

Swiss Army by @SwissArmyNews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme