European Defence on Telegram by GRT : United to keep our Europe safe! - Unidos para mantener nuestra Europa segura!

Логотип телеграм канала European Defence on Telegram by GRT : United to keep our Europe safe! - Unidos para mantener nuestra Europa segura!
27,8 тыс.
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18,7 тыс.
Not included - By @DefenceTelegram @ArmyFreaks @PlanetFreaks @CountriesFreaks @GenRevolutionOfficial @RoadToPetabyte - Other @DefenceChannels @SafetyTelegramChannels @DefenceFactsOfficial 📼? @DefenceEuropeVideos
RT @JavierColominaP: Good to meet deputy FM Kostanyan at #NATO HQ in Brussels. Discussed ways to strengthen NATO-#Armenia bilateral cooperation, and regional dynamics in particular progress in the normalisation process between 🇦🇲 and 🇦🇿 after the recent agreement on border delimitation

La France à l'OTAN

Défense Militaire Française by @DefenseMilitaireFrancaise
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @GermanyDiplo: The agreement between #Armenia & #Azerbaijan upon the Alma Ata Declaration of 1991 as the basis for border delimitation clears an important hurdle on the way to a peace agreement. Germany remains ready to do all it can to support the path to lasting peace.

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @NATOpress: SG @jensstoltenberg concluded his tour of the South Caucasus in Yerevan 🇦🇲 where he met @President_Arm Vahagn Khachaturyan & PM @NikolPashinyan.

He praised #Armenia for its long-standing partnership & contributions to #NATO operations, incl increased troop numbers in @NATO_KFOR.

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @jensstoltenberg: Good to meet @President_Arm Khachaturyan & PM @NikolPashinyan in Yerevan. I look forward to strengthening #NATO's partnership with #Armenia. Peace & stability in the South Caucasus matters to security more broadly; I encourage 🇦🇲 & 🇦🇿 to seize the opportunity for enduring peace.

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @JavierColominaP: It’s good to be back in the Caucasus, this time accompanying #NATO SG @jensstoltenberg in a historic visit to #Armenia, #Azerbaijan & #Georgia. Bilateral cooperation, support to 🇺🇦, and regional security, including the normalisation of relations between 🇦🇲 & 🇦🇿, will be discussed

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @JavierColominaP: I welcome the joint statement by #Armenia & #Azerbaijan announcing the mutual release of detainees, other confidence building measures & a clear commitment to reach a long awaited peace deal. #NATO strongly supports these efforts & the normalisation of relations between 🇦🇲&🇦🇿

🇮🇹 Italy at NATO

Difesa Italiana Backup by @DifesaMilitareItaliana
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
RT @JavierColominaP: I welcome the joint statement by #Armenia & #Azerbaijan announcing the mutual release of detainees, other confidence building measures & a clear commitment to reach a long awaited peace deal. #NATO strongly supports these efforts & the normalisation of relations between 🇦🇲&🇦🇿

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme