Bienvenidos al canal de frases talking to the🌙
Quien no ha hablado con la luna alguna vez, a veces ésta se vuelve nuestra única y mejor amiga🌙.
Unete y no te lo pienses demasiado😉
The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 11 months. If they remain inactive for the next 9 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The channel will remain accessible for all users.
The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 11 months. If they remain inactive for the next 28 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The channel will remain accessible for all users.
The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If it remains inactive in the next 8 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.
The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If it remains inactive in the next 19 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.