Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸

Logo of the Telegram channel Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸
Karli Channel The Real Karli and X only KarluskaP is real everyone else is being sued for using copyright avi artwork
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Hey Speaker Johnson You're following the wrong guy!
#bengarrison cartoon
The metamorphosis of House Speaker Mike Johnson was as swift as it was shocking.
Johnson loves to wave his Bible at us and claim a deep affinity for Jesus. So does Mike Pence. That’s fine, but isn’t it funny how two of the supposedly most religious men in politics also turned out to be the two biggest backstabbers? They may love Jesus, but they act more like Judas. much more at the post!
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"Speakers Of the Swamp"
The more things change, the more they stay the same...
New #bengarrison cartoon
House Speaker Mike Johnson may not last long. He quickly went from MAGA to swampy morass. Instead of sending money to close our southern border, he wants even more billions of tax dollars sent to the lost cause that is Ukraine. 

This transmogrification happens to all Republican House speakers. Their conservative values get them elected and then they dash hopes by transforming into RINOs and Neo-cons.
read the rest of Ben's rant at
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Biden Attacks Easter with Trans day lunacy!
#BenGarrison cartoon
Christians were united in their outrage over the proclamation of Trans Day over Easter. The Trump campaign weighed in and called for Biden to apologize to Christians, but you know Joe won’t. This is a predominantly Christian nation and Joe’s obvious blasphemy will cost him many votes.
Keep your Faith Keep Your Head and have a blessed Easter!
grrrgreat post at https://grrrgraphics.com/biden-lays-an-egg/
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"Why I oughta..." Democrat Knuckleheads
#BenGarrison cartoon
Political office produces a lot of crooks these days, and three of them were at the exclusive fundraiser to help put Biden back in the White House when he should be put in a nursing home.
The Three Democrat Stooges have made a mess of America! #BidenObamaClinton
much more at the post at https://grrrgraphics.com/democrat-knuckleheads/
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Biden's Bridge To The Future
#BenGarrison cartoon
Speaking of colossal collapses, what Joe Biden has done to America is no accident. As captain of the Ship of State, Joe has intentionally and consistently steered our country toward damage and dire consequences. Joe is and always has been a disaster. Even Barack Obama said it: “Leave it to Joe to screw things up.” I’m paraphrasing, but Joe has screwed things up—and the falling bridge in Baltimore is symbolic of the havoc wreaked by Biden’s policies.
read Ben's post at https://grrrgraphics.com/bidens-bridge-disaster/
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Today's cartoon is a bloodbath
Democrats take a Lie bath and bath in their lies
#bengarrison #DemocratsHateAmerica #bloodbath
The Democrats are desperate—and they’re playing dirty. They stink and need a bath.
read the rest https://grrrgraphics.com/the-democrats-liebath/
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Your Saturday Bonus #bengarrison cartoon!
"A Slap On The Fanny For Fani"
The judge is up for re-election and so naturally he wanted to placate his mostly Democrat and Trump-hating voter base. Going after Trump is the prime directive among Democrats and it matters little to them if justice is compromised. He is also a former employee of Fani Willis and donated to her campaign, shocker right?

much much more at the post!
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New #bengarrison cartoon- Best TDS performance Robert De Niro
Many may not know that Robert De Niro also won. Not for best actor or even best supporting actor. He won the best “Trump Derangement Syndrome” Oscar.
Funny post at https://grrrgraphics.com/de-niro-wins-the-oscar/
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"Cry Me A River"
#BenGarrison Cartoon
Let the wails and gnashing of teeth continue on #supertuesday
The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that States have no authority to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot.
When the Democrats media personalities heard of the unanimous, 9-0 ruling in Trump’s favor, they went off the rails.
Shout out to Keith Olbermann and his golden shower tears
Read the VERY funny post at
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Today, Jim Biden is sitting before
to provide a deposition on his involvement in these schemes.

the influence peddlers-
throwback #bengarrison cartoon
funny post check it out!@ https://grrrgraphics.com/the-influence-peddlers-biden-crime-family/
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If the Sneaker Fits, Wear It!"
new #bengarrison cartoon #TrumpSneakers #Trump2024 #BidenCrimeFamilyExposed
Can you imagine anyone falling all over themselves to buy a pair of Joe Biden sneakers? No one would. President Trump is brilliant at marketing himself, and his high top ‘kicks’ are a way to appeal to the younger generation. Generation Z will never be picking up a pair of Biden blue loafers with orthopedic lifts and Velcro straps.😝

The limited edition high tops are…

…“Bold, gold, and tough, just like President Trump.”
much more at https://grrrgraphics.com/wouldnt-want-to-be-in-your-shoes-joe/
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Presidents Day #bengarrison cartoon
Mt. Trumpmore
#presidentsday #donaldTrump
For the last three years we have had a ‘resident,’ not a ‘president.’ Biden is mentally debilitated, corrupt man controlled by Obama handlers. He puts Americans and America last. He is a traitor who insists we keep our borders wide open to invading criminal hordes.
To be sure, we should acknowledge our past presidents—but this year is critical and our focus should be on Trump. He must regain the presidency, and we at GrrrGraphics will do our best to support him.
Happy Presidents’ Day!
read the rest at https://grrrgraphics.com/mt-trumpmore/
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"I'm smart and I want respect"
Joe 'Fredo' Biden
New #bengarrison cartoon
In “The Godfather II,” Fredo betrayed his family. Joe has betrayed his country. Fredo was not smart enough to be a leader in his family and Joe lacks the mental ability to lead the country. If Joe steps down then......?
Kamala waits in the boat laughing.
Much more at the post... https://grrrgraphics.com/joe-fredo-biden/
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"That Voodoo that You do- Democrat Legal Voodoo
New #BenGarrison cartoon
As we expected, the Manhattan jury in the E. Jean Carroll vs. Donald Trump defamation case delivered their anti-Trump verdict yesterday. ‘Orange man bad!’

It should not come as any great surprise. After all the Democrats have rigged elections, the media, the FBI and now the courts against Trump. He will never get a fair trial in New York. The judge, a Clinton appointee, was obviously biased and the jury consisted of frothing, Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers. It was a witch hunt, a miscarriage of justice, and political persecution of President Donald Trump. You would have to be blind or a news anchor at MSNBC not to see this. More of Ben's rant at the post!
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'Don't Mess With Texas' New #bengarrison cartoon
The Federal Government is obligated to protect us from invasion. It’s in the Constitution. Biden and the Supreme Court have ignored the Constitution and insist Texas cannot resist federal forces who are bent on removing the razor wire.
As of this publication, 17 states—Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming—have stepped up to support Texas’ efforts and deployed personnel and resources to secure the border in President Biden’s absence. #StandWithTexas #BorderInvasion #GregAbbott
much more at https://grrrgraphics.com/texas-border-stand-off/
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Today's the Day! #NewHampshirePrimary
Live Free Or Die- Vote Trump Or Die...DEI
#bengarrison cartoon
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Fed Plant Just got 'watered' Ray Epps sentenced to
one year probation, $500 restitution, and 100 hours community service.
Yep FED confirmed.
Throwback #bengarrison cartoon "Ray Epps FED Plant"
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Dementia Hitler- Joe Biden
New #bengarrison cartoon for your Sunday!
#JoeBiden #DementiaHitler #TraitorBiden
Trump is Hitler! The Democrats constantly tell us that, and they’ve said it for years, but now they’re shouting it with renewed shrillness.
Biden demonizes MAGA-minded Americans just like Hitler did with the Jews! Joe and his Uni-party spew lies, fear, and propaganda.
Read the rest of Ben's rant at:
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#Jan6th #FreedomOfSpeech #FreetheJan6prisoners
#BenGarrison Jan 6 Cartoon collection-
Biden’s term has been a disaster and since he has nothing to run on, he is using fear as his campaign strategy. He and his fellow crackpot leftist Democrats continue to label Trump as Nazi and claim his followers are ‘insurrectionists.’
Read the rest of the post at :