Planetary Ascension Update ~ 26/01/2025
We have had very intense energies for the past 72 hours. We are BEing heavily tested in our ability to honor the Divine path and put All Our tools and techniques into action to Master the stormy seas we are traversing. For those that have set down anchor firmly in the frequency of Unconditional Love, the tests to remain anchored have been in full swing as the storms pass by! The past 72 hours saw a rise in collective Super e.g.o - e.g.o as always, is Edging God Out, and it becomes Super Charged when we have had numerous opportunities for transformation and we have repeatedly chosen to beLIEve e.g.o narratives rather than transform them.
As we shared extensively back in November and December (See Decembers First Wavers Report ~ we have been undergoing a merging of the timelines. This process is the chosen route Divine plan to ensure Earth = Heart enters into one streamlined path to Heaven on Earth, the New Paradigm, 5D. The Earth is destined to Ascend into Heaven frequency, it’s what we’re all here for! The dissolvement of the e.g.o is the arrival into Unity Consciousness and the reunion with All of creation in the shared True Reality of Unconditional Love.
As such, all First Wavers who have become Masters of transforming density - with only little to moderate deviation from Divine Frequency within the transforming vessel, agreed to absorb the lower timeline. This varied from vessel to vessel in terms of which conditionings, programmings and energetics each was to transmute through their consciousness. The quantity to which each assists is unique and proportionate to what each vessel can handle. The Light workers, those on the Highest Timeline, have been in the process of this timeline merge, transmuting the uniquely contracted energy. The past 72 hours has seen the quotient designated for this round of the merge met.
I have repeatedly seen this merging as a black and Golden Thread weaving together, heading forward in a seemingly double helix formation. The black thread weaving through the fibres of the Golden Thread. There was no sense of good or bad, there was no malice, it was simply an alchemical process. In the absence of duality, these visions clearly communicated to me the profound feeling of the Golden Thread: a SUPER consciousness, in play, dynamic, full of power, light, direction, the essence of full awareness. The black thread was empty in essence, dull, null and was being drawn into the Golden Thread like a moth to the flame.
On January 24th 2025, I saw the Golden Thread arrive at some significant point in its journey, a point in which it ‘bucked,’ like a horse bucking off its rider with complete intent, precision and choice. At this point the black thread was thrown off the Golden Thread, it fell back into space with little capacity to do anything but free fall. The Golden Thread was emboldened, charged, strengthened and surged forth like a rocket, pulling the black thread along in tow, but no longer in the merging and weaving that had been happening since mid November 2024.