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#ata_analar_jıynalısı 🏢 Búgin, Nókis rayonı qánigelestirilgen mektebinde 7–10-klass oqıwshılarınıń ata-anaları menen jıynalıs ótkerildi. 2-sherek nátiyjeleri boyınsha oqıwshılardıń ózlestiriwi analiz etildi Mektep ishki tártip qaǵıydaları boyınsha túsinikler berildi Pán dógerekleri boyınsha maǵlıwmat berildi 📉 Jıynalısta pán oqıtıwshıları hámde direktor orınbasarları, mektep psixologı qatnasıp, ata-analarǵa túsinikler berdi. -- 🏢 Today, a meeting was held at the Specialized School in Nukus Region with the parents of students from grades 7–10. The academic performance of students for the second term was analyzed. Explanations were provided regarding the school's internal rules and regulations. Information about subject-related clubs was shared. 📉 During the meeting, subject teachers, deputy directors, and the school psychologist participated and provided explanations to the parents. Telegram | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube
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