WELL I could try decorating it tapi wording sekarang aku lihat rame banget decornya I'm slightly intimidated if someone will ask me to decor like that..
Let me try this once more, Joleane is back and I'm back to seek for more wording kinci. I will only be accepting customised biographies and short wordings. Note that all of the wordings won't be charged with any cents! :D Feel free to contact me here, @Amaanai!
Curhat sedikit, it's been a veryyyy long time since the last time aku ngewording dan aku juga lagi coba-coba to do so but I'm still not satisfied with any of my results.
Therefore, I will be opening a few slots for wording and all of them will be free of charge, alias aku bakal bagi-bagi custom wording gratis for a few lucky subscribers. Ah, and do mind that I just came back to writing due to my busyness so I would like to convey my prior apologies if my results don't exceed your expectations. :<