(salutatións, i.) the subsequent delineations represent the monetary values;
of the jasa titip 🪽available in our retail establishment ✱.
ㅤㅤ♥️ regular package
❁ #cyesh | 1.500 idr/day
𐑺 share at eight base in every hours.
❁ #whesh | 2.500 idr/day
𐑺 share at ten base in every hours.
❁ #blesh |ㅤ3.500 idr/day
𐑺 share at thirteen base in every hours.
𐑺 use two account.
ㅤㅤ🪽 offer @ package
❃ #zyachish | 10.000 idr/day
𐑺 share at ten base in every hours.
𐑺 handleing and reminder.
𐑺 free wording.
❃ #wopchish | 13.000 idr/day
𐑺 share at ten base in every hours.
𐑺 handleing and reminder.
𐑺 free wording.
❃ #smachish | 16.000 idr/day
𐑺 share at thirteen base in every hours.
𐑺 handleing with joyful, reminder.
𐑺 free wtb service.
𐑺 free wording.
for that monetary amount, one can acquire precisely that which one desires; is that not thrilling?ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ