๐ฌstablished since 2021 on January 22, we SUGARUKE like a ๐, a ๐ to die.
๐ฐf there is something please contact to our official bot: @SugarUkeOfficialbot
๐ฐf you want to be our partnership: @sugarukepsbot / @colleaguesugaruke
๐บhitpost: @diarysugaruke
๐พe have good news for ๐ฌโก๐จ !. ๐พe are ๐ฆ๐จ๐๐๐ฅ ๐จ๐๐ opening the gates for ๐ ๏ธ๐ ๏ธ๐ ฆ๏ธ members who want to feel the warmth of our family๐คฉ. ๐ญor those of you who are malesub, come join with us.
๐he 22nd of January in 2021, is the day we were born in it. That day many lips with cracked smiles, many happy hearts, welcoming the new born family that day. Of course with creators and guardians this family can't be created.