The aim of our project is to provide information about the situation in Ukraine and about its impact on the whole world.
The military conflict has already escalated to a proxy war of USA and collective West against Russia. And it can get much worse.
We are a team of volunteers who collect and publish reports, videos, and so on from various sources and countries. In many cases we also make translations into a number of languages.
Contact us if you want to help with translation, adding subtitles, voice over and much more - any help is welcome and appreciated!
List of our channels:
🇩🇪Deutsch: @node_of_time_DE🇬🇧English: @node_of_time_EN🇵🇹Português: @infodefensePOR🇫🇷Français: @node_of_time_FR🇮🇹Italian: @node_of_time_ITA🇷🇺Русский: @node_of_time_RUS🇷🇸🇭🇷SR-HR (srpsko-hrvatski): @node_of_time_BALKAN🇸🇦العربية: @node_of_time_arab
For all questions and suggestions please contact @notfeedbackbot