gmgm 🌚 Having trouble completing the form?
If you’re experiencing issues, try these steps:
1️⃣Reload your Telegram Mini App (click the 3 dots in the top-right corner).
2️⃣ Use a web browser like Google Chrome for better compatibility.
3️⃣ If mobile isn’t working, switch to your computer and try again.
4️⃣Wait and try again later if traffic is high.
5️⃣Clear your browser cache to ensure you’re loading the latest version of the form.
6️⃣ Try using Incognito Mode in your browser to avoid potential conflicts with extensions or cookies.
7️⃣ Ensure your internet connection is stable for a smoother experience.
8️⃣Check for updates on your Telegram app and browser to make sure you’re using the latest version.
Don't worry, if we see continuous issues we'll extend the timeline to ensure everyone is able to fill it out.
Thank you for your patience and understanding! ❤️