My Diary
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My Diary
"Don't wipe the tears, wipe the people who give you tears."
My Diary
"It's Great to be crazy in love,
But don't let convert your craziness into stupidity."
- Priyanka Prajapat
My Diary
I don't tell, but I get affected too
I don't express, but I feel too
I don't complain, but I get hurt too
I don't expect, but I am tired too
My Diary
"ठोकरें खाती हो बार बार तो रास्ता क्यूं नहीं बदल लेती हो।"
My Diary
कोशिशें वहां की जाती हैं, जहां उम्मीद की एक किरण भी जिंदा हो।
My Diary
अब इस हद तक खो चुकी हूं तुम्हें, कि खोने के लिए भी नहीं बचे
My Diary
"In search of diamond, we lose our francium."
My Diary
"If people hurt you.. it's not their fault,
It's your fault you give them that privilege.."
My Diary
"People can't hurt us, until we allow them."
My Diary
"Dont prove someone's innocency as stupidity."
My Diary
"If I'm fine with your every action, then nothing is fine between us."
My Diary
"As long as i complain to you, Things are better."
My Diary
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My Diary
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