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Militant Zone World Wide
#YULENIGHT ФОТО та ВІДЕО На локації буде обмежена можливість фото та відео зйомки. Наші оператори зі спеціальними бейджами-дозволами зніматимуть фестиваль, а після концерту ми порадуємо вас звітами, а може навіть випустимо спеціальний музичний реліз! А…

Photo and video shooting will be limited at the location.
Our operators with special permission badges will be filming the festival, and after the concert we will delight you with reports, and maybe even release a special music release!

BUT all other visitors will be strictly prohibited from filming the bands' performances! You can take photos during breaks between bands, during the lecture at the beginning of the festival, but when the music starts, any unauthorized filming will be prohibited. In case of failure to comply with the requirements, the concert will be stopped until the situation is corrected, and violators will be expelled from the club.
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
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