MEMORIE. vol, 20 &. 28 ──I.
I wait for u every moment.
I will keep this photo in my heart. the man is so perfect he has a charming face and always captivates the hearts of women, he is a man may be difficult to reach he is a very friendly and sociable person. his charming face makes me can't forget him, I love everything about him, especially his smile.
log ── (E, 19:21) me and you.
I who always see him from a
distance, there is no courage
to approach him, can we be
together? can we love each other.
──宝藏. 1948.
one day I ventured to take a photo together, oh god my heart was beating fast. in that photo he is a smiling man and very sweet, don't let you lose your sweet smile, I will always wait for you whenever I love you, very.