8- Which of the following is the best description for the 'Sublime'?
1-Its effect is "transport" (ekstasis) - it is that quality of a passage which "shatters the hearer's composure," exercises irresistible "domination" over him, and "scatters the subjects like a bolt of lightning."
2-The word has been used for an unintentional descent in literature when, straining to be pathetic or passionate or elevated, the writer overshoots the mark and drops into the trivial or the ridiculous.
3-In Greek, it meant the passions, or suffering, or deep feeling generally. In modern criticism, however, it is applied in a much more limited way to a scene or passage that is designed to evoke the feelings of tenderness, pity, or sympathetic sorrow from the audience.
4-In his Rhetoric, Aristotle pointed out that an orator projects it in the course of his oration; that is, the sublime is a personal trait, which itself functions as a means of persuasion.