Suicidio assistito: Terminare io la mia vita prima che lo facesse in maniera più dolorosa la malattia stessa
Suicidio assistito aka pena di morte: Terminare
la vita di un serio criminale con 100% di prove prima che lo facesse in maniera più dolorosa il criminale stesso stuprando una ragazza causando un suicidio!, commettendo di nuovo terrorismo!, mangiando nuovamente altre persone!, sparando a go go tonnellate di studenti!, aprendo una scuola di come diventare esperto di terrorismo! ecc.
Assisted suicide: Ending my life before the disease itself did it in a more painful way
Assisted suicide aka death penalty: Ending the life of a
serious criminal with 100% proof before the criminal did it in a more painful way by raping a girl causing a suicide!, committing terrorism again!, eating other people again!, shooting tons of students!, opening a school on how to become an expert in terrorism!, etc.
Conclusion: death penalty is not cruel and death penalty is assisted suicide for the right of the population!
a) assisted suicide is an human right! (related to single person)
b) death penalty is an human right! (related to the population)
c) it's time to implement death penalty, assisted suicide for normal people and prisoners and abortion at the same time WORLDWIDE!
d) Theriocide is a crime! Stop animal cruelty / torture now!