⚠️ Official information from the JetTon team and JetTon Games regarding a recent incident.On
August 15, an attacker minted a test token from the wallet that created the $JETTON token smart contract:
«UQD2gw6aNFN3Dv61iM-zMhagsQJDj6ZdE0nVl21FFLXWktgL»🔷A backdoor was left in the smart contract by the attacker, allowing him to mint tokens up to the amount of the total supply (
100,000,000 $JETTON).
August 28th,
1,500,000 tokens were burned by the JetTon team, allowing the attacker to mint this amount on
August 30th, sell it within a month, and crash the exchange rate.
🔷The wallet from which the sales were made was discovered by the JetTon team on
October 8, and after some investigation, the USDT withdrawal wallets matched a wallet belonging to former JetTon founder
Sergey Shapovalov, whose stake was mutually bought out by his current partners in
December 2023, and since then he has had nothing to do with the JetTon project.
🔷Immediately after the backdoor was discovered on October 8, the vulnerability in the contract was patched, the smart contract was reviewed by several specialists, and it was audited by certified auditors.
🔷After Sergei realized that his involvement in the crime was known to everyone, he agreed to give up the stolen funds.
🔷The balance was 1,134,000 $JETTON, which was
immediately burned, as well as over
$400,000, for which the JetTon team bought tokens
from the market and similarly burned them!
💙 Thanks to all community and holders for their patience and faith in the project!
💸 How to buy JETTON 👑 Farming Bot
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