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People ignorance related to Israel Hamas Palestine War Facts - L'ignorance des gens liée à Faits Guerre Israël Gaza https://t.center/PalestineIgnorance
It's world war, more than Ukraine, Russia, Israel and Palestine - É guerra mundial, mais que Ucrânia, Rússia, Israel e Palestina https://t.center/WorldWar3Facts
Environmental pollution due to war / military / army - Umweltverschmutzung durch Krieg / Militär / Armee - Inquinamento guerra https://t.center/WarPollution
Remember, animals have the same rights like children and women! Defending animal rights against Israel Palestine War Crimes https://t.center/IsraelWarAnimalRights
Free Palestine, but done in the right way! Stop missing human rights in Palestine - Basta to abuse women and children! https://t.center/FreePalestineTelegram
World War II for Dummies / Segunda Guerra Mundial para tontos / La Seconde Guerre mondiale pour les nuls / Zweiter Weltkrieg https://t.center/WorldWarForDummies