iOS dev
There is a single sponsored link in each issue (monday). One sponsor per issue. Every sponsored link should be highly relevant to Apple ecosystem app development. Sponsored link price - 100$ Contact:
iOS dev
Peter Friese
Creating a reusable action menu component in SwiftUI
Learn how to create a reusable SwiftUI action menu from scratch. This tutorial shows how to transform a basic sheet-based menu into a polished, reusable component using view builders, custom modifiers, and SwiftUI styles. Includes complete code examples and…
iOS dev
Type-Driven Design with Swift | Swiftology
Learn how to use Swift's flexible type system to design high-quality, robust, and correct programs.
iOS dev
Always Processing
Size Matters: An Exploration of Virtual Memory on iOS
An out-of-memory crash while debugging an iOS app led to investigating the iOS virtual memory system and finding the virtual address space size varies across iOS devices. Fixing the debugging workflow required use of the Extended Virtual Addressing entitlement…
iOS dev
SwiftUI Lists: Present rows of data explained with code examples
Learn how to use SwiftUI lists to present data. Explore different list styles, implement selection, or change the background color.
iOS dev
Quality Coding
Legacy Code Rescue: Taming a 1000-Line View Controller
Struggling with a thousand-line view controller with minimal tests? Learn the legacy code rescue techniques I used on an iOS app.
iOS dev
Bringing App Intents to your SwiftUI App
iOS dev
Use Your Loaf - iOS Development News & Tips
Reducing Motion of Animations
Apply the reduce animation setting to your SwiftUI animations.
iOS dev
Managing Singletons in Memory in Swift
When working with iOS development, managing singleton instances efficiently is crucial for performance and maintainability. A common…
iOS dev
Create with Swift
Exploring Tab View Styles in SwiftUI
Explore the different styles a tab view can have in a SwiftUI app on iOS and iPadOS.
iOS dev
Whacky Labs
Compose multiplatform is real!
So yes after getting my hands dirty with Kotlin multiplatform the obvious next step would be to try Compose multiplatform. Which I did. And yes it’s a game changer.
iOS dev
Nil Coalescing
Handle plurals in SwiftUI Text views with inflection
Display grammatically correct text effortlessly with Foundation's automatic grammar agreement, handling pluralization without extra logic.
iOS dev
Onee's Space - 正在路上的 AI x visionOS 创作者
探究 SwiftUI Preview 的工作原理
深入探讨 Xcode 16 中 SwiftUI Preview 的工作原理,包括构建流程、JIT执行机制以及三种不同的重构建策略。了解这些原理不仅有助于解决 Preview 常见问题,还能帮助开发者更好地利用这一重要工具。
iOS dev
Why Certain View Modifiers in Swift 6 Cannot Use the @State Property | Fatbobman's Blog
SwiftUI in Swift 6 fails with @State in view modifiers due to stricter concurrency & @MainActor. Learn solutions for alignmentGuide, scrollTransition & more.
iOS dev
Donny Wals
Solving “Main actor-isolated property can not be referenced from a Sendable closure” in Swift – Donny Wals
When you turn on strict concurrency checking or you start using the Swift 6 language mode, there will be situations where you run into an error that looks a little bit like the following: What this…
iOS dev
Swift with Majid
Adopting Swift 6 across the app codebase
I’ve been using Swift Concurrency since its initial version, which introduced the async and await keywords to enable asynchronous work. Over time, Swift Concurrency has become more powerful and provides robust data-race safety by allowing the Swift compiler…
iOS dev
Testing Background Uploads in iOS
iOS dev
Create with Swift
Controlling keyboard events with keys and phases
Learn how to respond to pressed keys and phases in a hardware keyboard in a SwiftUI app.
iOS dev
Create with Swift
Keyboard-driven actions in SwiftUI with onKeyPress
Learn how to capture and respond to the pressed keys in a hardware keyboard in a SwiftUI app.
iOS dev
Swift with Vincent
How to hide private information — Swift with Vincent
You’re more of a video kind of person? I’ve got you covered! Here’s a video with the same content than this article
iOS dev
SwiftData CRUD Operations with ModelActor
How can we add CRUD methods to SwiftData ModelActors in an safe way using actors in Swift 6.
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