Santa & The Hearth
Out on his nighttime ride on Christmas Eve Santa is said to come down the Chimney and out the fire place, bringing gifts and treats to boys and girls all across the land. But why the Fireplace? Well the Fireplace or Hearth has always been a liminal space. A place where spirits and ancestors can communicate with us (Due to the flame and it being the heart of the home). As seen in the tale of Cinderella or when Corn Spirits are released in the flames. Santa may for the sake of storytelling come through the Chimney, he is actually calling back to this ancient tradition and travelling through the fireplace as a portal to the other realms "North Pole". Though he still finds himself covered in ash with a "blackened face" akin to the Cinderbiters and Wild Men of European customs. So need to worry if the fire is lit you do not risk burning him, he's coming through the flame not atop it.-TLK