Ancestor and Nature Spirits
Many "Nature Spirits" of Europe are also "Ancestor Spirits" as there are many Nature spirits that originate as the souls of the dead. The most notable of these is the House Spirits Such as Brownies, Domovoi, Lares, Fairy Godmothers, and Tomte. Though there are also spirits of natural areas and functions that begin their existence as the spirits of the dead. Some tales of Black Dogs include them originally being human spirits who take the form of these fertility spirits on the wild hunt or to interact with the living. These often become protective spirits to areas and people, or become Wind Hounds which bring fertility through the air. In the Slavic Areas and Beyond the Rusalki are the spirits of women who died and became river spirits. Perchta, an Alpine Goddess, is said to be Queen of the Ghost Children and caretaker of lost souls. Many of these child souls chose to stay with Perchta and become one of her many Perchten rather then to reincarnate or go to the ancestors.-TLK