🇺🇸:You are walking through a dense forest. It is snowy. Snow everywhere and that's it. Not a single living soul.
- "Damn... I'm stuck in this forest..." You think, trying to find a way out. The snow crunches under your feet. Suddenly you stop and fall on the soft, snow-white snow. Someone ran past you quickly to the left side of the forest. The tracks of a person or an animal are barely visible in the snow. Still, despite the disappointment and fear of the risk, you decided to follow the tracks. You began to go deeper and deeper into the forest. Approaching the last 30 tracks, you heard quiet sobs of something, or someone. You reached a snowy clearing. You saw a guy there, all in bandages... You saw and heard how he quietly whimpered, shuddering in the snow, curled up into a ball. You slowly started to approach him. The guy, noticing this, came out of his curled up state and began to slowly move away from you, trying to growl, but only quiet sobs and squeaks came out of it.
Write him-->
#Мир_Причуд #Нир #бот