⭐️ Earn Up to 17% Interest with Moonrider – Earn More Even When You Sleep
Everyone deserves a break, but your money doesn’t have to take one. Moonrider gives you the opportunity to earn daily interest on your deposits, with rates up to 17% APY. Here's how it works:
✅ Passive Income
✅ Daily Payouts
✅ Up to 17% APY
✅ Multi-Level System
⭐️ Your APY = Deposit + Weekly Volume
Start with just
200 USDT in your Moonrider balance to
unlock 7% APY, and grow your interest by using
⭐️ Earn 10% APY:
400+ USDT + 20,000 USDT weekly volume
⭐️ Earn 12% APY:
600+ USDT + 30,000 USDT weekly volume
⭐️ Earn 15% APY:
1000+ USDT + 40,000 USDT weekly volume
⭐️ Earn 17% APY:
1500+ USDT + 50,000 USDT weekly volume
Interest is paid daily and credited directly to your Moonrider balance once you meet the requirements for a certain level.
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