The clattering sound of metal clashing produces a statuesque chant that can be luxuriate by living beings until the night sky turns into the daylight when it has to change. On the full moon that illuminates the sphere as a salutation for the nascency of a stalwart man who is predicted to be a comradely individuality, it is also evident to mingle around each living man. The peculiar of that auspicious humankind to be in the vicinity this man and get all his attention on me and esteem that I may grow older with him. We arrived to the day where he celebrates his success in surviving this spacious sphere. A fine diamond of any type will lose its shine if it is juxtaposed with the gentle that shines from within his magnificent soul. I desiderate him a few words of congratulations for hitching on another precious year to his life so that he will grow one year older. Happiest birthday to Francis, have a wonderful year ahead!
- Benjamin & Sarah