ㅤㅤㅤㅤ{ POESY ❈ SUMMER }
When our memento has innumerable heartbroken summary, but we stationary catch a glimpse of odd enactment that'll occasion all singleton mirthful. "Happy repeat of the same day" the sunrise-to-sunset we amassed and rubberneck within each other's eyes, the first appearance that fabricate us retrospect our first consciousness. We— we'll eternally imply this diurnal course together, and to you, our cherished endurance:
@socerities @Ethosienn @Retroovies @ValkyriePiece @JunkyuShiki @TrendSetNines we'll forevermore accelerate exchange of letters of amity in writing, and we greedy glutton we'll appropriate on the ensuing date, promise.
“Promise us, we'll in perpetuum be together.” | “We'll everlastingly be together.” — 15 Days of Summer.