Comfy place for us English Pals! Take a seat and enjoy our journey together.
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#engrants wth Is wrong with my aunt, i was just proud i got the highest score at the class and i just told my grandma (i Said it louder because she always say I’m stupid) and she said im showing off 😔 r u jealous because you have a stupid kid who English is 70 and you already praise her
#EngQuery. Do you guys perhaps have a group chat specifically for people who learn English on the WhatsApp platform? Please, if you don’t mind, could you add me as one of your members? Thanks so much
#engrants im hiding my fever from my fam because once they find out they’d say im bringing disease to home and all i do Is drink soda and eat popm*e (i dont) dang my head hurts so much but i js cant say
#EngPals Anyone up for a chat? If you’re a yapper and need a story buddy, you’re more than welcome. I could really use some support. Minors, ghosters, and homophobes, please don’t interact. Thanks