🔶️Meaning: tell the difference, differentiate.
✅ ‘It is often difficult to
distinguish clearly between fact and fiction in this book.
✅She could not
distinguish one child from another.
🔶️Meaning: developed over time, develope gradually.
✅Online games tend to
evolve over time.
✅Our products have been
evolving according to the requirements of the times.
🔶️Meaning: guess, judge, predict.
✅Samples are usually used to
estimate paramaters.
✅The scale of the problem has been
estimated by a number of different surveys.
🔶️Meaning: element, cause
✅A variety of other
factors will be taken into account.
factors in the production of disease include pollution of the environment.
🔶️Meaning: a substance that is needed to keep a living thing alive and to help it to grow
✅Plants draw minerals and other
nutrients from the soil.
✅Children suffering from a serious
nutrient deficiency.
✔Build your Accent.
✔Build your Vocabulary
✔Build your grammar.
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