TweetItBot Channel

Logo of the Telegram channel TweetItBot Channel
@TweetItBot is a @Telegram bot that acts as Twitter client. More info:
@TweetItBot was suspended by Twitter

Unfortunately @TweetItBot was suspended by Twitter due to terrorist content and spam originating from users of the bot.

Twitter is requesting me to implement a plan to remove this content from @TweetItBot, but I am not sure this is feasible given that @TweetItBot is a project that costs me money and that I maintain in my spare time.

I've always fought agains this kind of content since the bot was launched, but it is frustrating to do so.

Sadly, I guess this may be the end of @TweetItBot.

I thank all of you who used the bot since it was first released in january 2016.

I will post a new message here in case I come up with a solution to bring the bot back online.
@TweetItBetaBot will be permanently disabled later today!

Unfortunately @TweetItBetaBot will have to be permanently disabled because it violates some Twitter Developer Agreements and Policies. More about this can be read here.

@TweetItBot will continue to work as always.

If you are using @TweetItBetaBot please migrate your account to @TweetItBot.

To use multiple accounts with @TweetItBot you should create a Telegram group, add @TweetItBot in there and /start the bot in that group. That way you can use @TweetItBot with as many accounts as you want, just use one account per group chat.

Also, if you wanna support @TweetItBot please donate!
Forwarded from TweetItBot
Please make a donation to support @TweetItBot!

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Only send Chainlink (LINK) to this address! Sending any other digital asset, including Ethereum (ETH), will result in permanent loss.

Thanks in advance :)
Twitter is down right now, and that is affecting @TweetItBot.

You can follow Twitter's official status page here:
I've just added some extra line breaks to help make tweets easier to read on @TweetItBot, especially those tweets with quotes.

Did you like it?
Final Results
Yes 👍🏻
No 😔
I didn't notice any difference 🤔
­@TweetItBot tweeted:
Twitter had some issues with their API and this might have triggered some streamings disconnections. Sorry about that. Everything should be fine now, just /startstream again and you're good to go 😊
We are happy to announce that the streaming funcionality is back! 🎉

It works the same way as before: use /startstream to receive mention notifications and /starttimeline to receive tweets from your timeline.

Both mention notifications and tweets from your timeline will be shown with delays around 60 seconds. Other types of notifications (like retweets, follows, likes, unlikes, etc) were discontinued.

We are also working on streaming of lists 😏 Stay tunned.
TweetItBot Channel
As previously announced, Twitter just started disabling parts of their API that we use in @TweetItBot. Because Twitter has chosen not to provide alternatives to these APIs the streaming part of the bot (/startstream and /starttimeline) doesn't work anymore.…
Just a reminder: The bot still works! "Only" the streaming part of the bot doesn't work anymore and, as mentioned before, we will provide an alternative to it in the next couple of days.

If you wanna help with the development of this new feature that will somewhat restore the streaming functionality that is now missing please consider making a donation using the /donate command. Thanks in advance :)
As previously announced, Twitter just started disabling parts of their API that we use in @TweetItBot.

Because Twitter has chosen not to provide alternatives to these APIs the streaming part of the bot (/startstream and /starttimeline) doesn't work anymore. We will provide an alternative to this in the next couple of days. In the meantime you can use /gettimeline and/or /getmentions to get the last tweets of your timeline and/or the last mentions to your Twitter account.

We're sorry about this, but unfortunately this is totally out of our control.

If you used /startstream and/or /starttimeline on @TweetItBot in the past you might have to /startstream and/or /starttimeline again.

I don't know what happened yet, but looks like most @TweetItBot users had their streams disconnected without any notification from the bot.

It may have been an issue with the bot (we had an outage earlier today that affected the bot for 5~15 minutes - that outage might have triggered a mass stream disconnect) but it also may have been Twitter starting to silently phase out their streaming APIs (that they've already announced they're going to do in a few days).

There is no need to /start the bot again, but there is no harm doing that either.

Sorry about that!
­@TweetItBot tweeted in reply to @TweetItBot:
The last update of the bot also introduced a bug that prevented some GIFs/videos from being uploaded to Twitter 😬 Sorry again! That should be fixed too. Also, starting now you should be able to upload GIFs/videos of almost any size 🎉 No more "file size exceeds 5242880 bytes".
Yesterday I've deployed an update to the streaming part of @TweetItBot that will prevent users from streaming the same Twitter account in two or more Telegram chats. I had to do that due to limitations with Twitter API (Twitter recommends to not run the same streaming multiple times from the same origin).

Unfortunately that update introduced a bug that made the bot think you were starting two different streamings in the same Telegram chat (the chat between you and the bot, for example), making it impossible to use the streaming part of the bot even if you've never used the same Twitter account in multiple Telegram chats.

That bug should be fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Tip: If you really need to run the same Twitter account in two different Telegram chats (for example: in one chat you keep the bot unmuted and use it to receive streaming notifications and in another chat you keep the bot muted and use it to receive streaming of your Twitter timeline) you can try the beta version of the bot: @TweetItBetaBot. TweetItBetaBot runs the same stable code of TweetItBot most of the time but I can't guarantee it will be as reliable as its stable twin, specially when I'm using it to deploy and test new features.

Thanks for using TweetItBot :) If you wanna help me with this project please consider making a donation (use the /donate command of the bot).
­@telegram tweeted in reply to @telegram:
The service is now restored for most of Europe, Africa, Russia and CIS, Iran and Middle East coming soon. Americas and SE Asia unaffected by the outage (the same outage also took offline the Amsterdam airport and ~18.000 households).
­@TweetItBot tweeted:
After June 19th, 2018, “streaming services” at Twitter will be removed and this will affect your experience with @TweetItBot. Read more on #BreakingMyTwitter
­@TweetItBot tweeted:
Starting today, in addition tweets with media, TweetItBot will also show rich previews for tweets with URLs. With this new feature it will be easier to access Instant View for those URLs that have it enabled :)